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I woke up to a bright light. Evie was standing by the window looking to see all of the Auradon students.
"Mal! Look it's snowing outside." She said with a smile.
I look at her with a questioning look and get out of bed. I look out to see Ben talking to Jay and Carlos. Ben and the boys looked up to our window. Ben and I locked eyes. I smiled at him,"Ben, can you and the boys come here,please?"
Ben and the boys looked at us and smiled maliciously as if they were planning something. Evie and I get dressed and head down to see the boys. Sure enough they did plan something evil. They pelted is with snow. It was everywhere. It was in our clothes, hair,and boots. Evie and I were shocked. We stood there with our our mouths open and our eyes wide.
"AAHHHH, THAT'S COLD!" I hollered. The boys were laughing at us. I pick up some snow and formed a ball then threw it at Ben. It hit him on his cheek. That's were a snowball war started. Ben snuck over to our side to help us. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. " I love you,Mal. Did I mention that?" Ben whispered in my ear. I smiled," I love you too, Ben."
After the snowball war, Ben and I went to his dorm to hang out, we were on his bed making out. We broke apart when we heard someone knocking on the door. Audrey was standing there on the other side. "Benny can we hang out today?" She asked in an annoyingly sweet voice. Ben put his arm around me. "No." He said with a smile. The door closed in her face. Well Ben never really shut a door in someone's face. "Mal, I want you to meet my parents." Ben said with a smile. I look at him and and smiled,"Ben, I would love to meet your parents. Just give me the day , time,and the place." Ben and I watched movies for the rest of the day. I was snuggled into his chest. He had his arms wrapped around me. As of this moment I knew I was the happiest I have ever been in my life. Sure Ben was my boyfriend but he was also my best friend and I love him.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever but I was busy with school, my birthday was last week, and this week I have softball tryouts at school. So I hope you enjoy this. There is also a reference to the next one-shot. Comment if you think you know what it is.


Ben and Mal: one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant