[1] Children's Mystery Hero

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Flashing red and blue lights and a warm pink draped around her sides. Warm coco and the baggiest of eyes. These were things the small child of //nationality// had to watch, except, and even feel through emotions.
  Her //eye color// eyes drenched in the adults around her as they conversant about the certain events that just happened. Some poured down tears, while others shouted out unpleasant words a child her age didn't need to hear. It was all a show for her. One of those shows were she wasn't unable to comprehend and only smiled at the images and moving bright and warm colors.
//Name// looked down at the paper cup. Unlike the rest of the cups plastered on ground, her lip imprints weren't around to top, nor was there anything late not bugs stopping by to enjoy the sugar free treat. Only thing was in there was her halfway drunken liquid chocolate. She rose the cup to her lips and slowly devour the rest of the drink. //Name// slowly noticed the sight change in taste. It was more salter than the first sip of the night and only processes to lose it's sweet taste.
Placing the paper cup down, the small child looked up at the crumbing building in front of her. It was one of the coldest nights in Japan, yet she couldn't see her breath like she usually does at this time of year. It was warn but cold. If she were to take a step closer her tiny figure would surely began to feel uncomfortably hot. She didn't want that. No one wanted her close to the building until it was over.
Flying water, yelling, and the colors orange and red. Many people send in to help for those that were trapped in the dead. These were things the small child of //race// had to deal with. She was expected to cry and scream, but she just stood there and watched. Wooden sparks flew everywhere while a loud sound flushed her ears.
//Name// thought about the things she left and what the other's have left inside. Her clothes and everything were lost, but she was find with it. Her baby blue and pink chair along with her favorite toys were gone. Her unfinished snacks and untouched dinner have disappeared into thin air. Even her talking teddy bears she got for her late grandpa was lost.
She didn't cry because she didn't want to anymore. She didn't whine because it would be a pain for those around her. Cuddling a pink blanket was all she can do. It gave her comfort, but she didn't know why. Why did it have that her parents couldn't give her?
//Name// eyes began to water and trickled down her face. Those warm but salty tears mixed with the dry dirty ash ones. Snot began to drip down from her nose and towards her mouth. Before she knew it, she buckled down to the state of a child. Opening her mouth she screamed her distress. At that moment, she realized everything.
Her home, her clothes, her toys, her food it all belonged to blazing inferno caused by simple human error. The talking teddy she loved was lost and couldn't get him back. She regretted not taking it while she had a chance to. She regretted not eating her dinner and only eating five snacks. She regretted being a bad girl and stooping to the level of a simple child. Only if she could rewind time.
//Name's// head was tit facing up towards the dark sky and her eyes were closed completely shut. Her //skin color// nose is now full with snot and unfortunately made her unable to breath clearly. She cried harder and harder grabbing the attention of the adults. No one tired to stop her, but only one complained. "Shut you kid!" They shouted among less than one hundred.
She cried making them hear her cherry picking voice. Not one soul tried to stop her. Her parents ignored her. One handle business calls while the other was of the verge of tears.
One soft rubbing against her left cheek stopped her from making the noise. She look to her left and saw a white and //color// fur. Her eyes widen as she slowly reached for it. Once her hands grabbed it, she smiled. Her eyes became dry as she looked over its details. It was a little black and some spots, but she couldn't care less.
Looking up, she saw nothing of a bright yellow color. Her eyes widen, as she desperately looked but she came up with zero founds. The adults and children seem to be the same only there was more people out there since last time.
"Red as an apple, yellow as the sun, and white like the clouds above. He's mysterious figure disappear because he something he has to love. Hero of the night even when he can't even sight. He became saved the day by just giving him to her.

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