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The Red Glove was a movie about a guy named Joseph who doesn't know what love is until he meets the new girl, Abeigal.

Abeigal was an adventurous girl always breaking the rules. And said that she never had time for love since she lived with a code.

A code that said a meaning in her life.

A code that would honor her dead mother.

But the more Abeigal hung out with this little confused boy named Joseph the more she feels loved.

And the more Joseph hung out with this little insomniac girl named Abeigal the more he feels loved.

Joseph's best friend, Carlo, dies from a sickness brought from France and becomes a hot mess.

But Abeigal knew how it felt to loose someone special so she tries to comfort Joseph.

Abeigal ends up kissing Joseph and showing him her affection. Being the stupid fifteen year old he is, makes a few "moves" towards her with his mother home.

Joseph's mother hears some things upstairs and looks for the noise. She finds the noise coming from her son's room. She walks in the room and sees her son naked with a naked girl she's never met before.

Abeigal was never allowed to see Joseph again or she'd be sued.

But being the rule breaking fifteen year old she is, sneaks into Joseph's room and tells him to run away with her.

They argued but Joseph finally agreed to it.

Joseph and Abeigal ran off to Seattle. During their time together, Joseph learned a lot from Abeigal.

He learned what Abeigal called:
"a surviver."

He learned how to pick locks.
He learned how to stay fairly still.
He learned how to run.
He learned how to feel pain.
He learned a code of honor like Abeigal.

And he learned how to make Abeigal smile.

When Joseph was walking around with Abeigal they came across Joseph's mother. His mother starts yelling at him about how mad and sad she was when she never found him.

Joseph swore but couldn't handle it.

He yelled at his mother.

He told her how he has never had this much fun in a long time. He told her how he just happened to be sixteen a few days ago and that he could make his own choices.

He told her:

"I am sixteen now! I can make my own desicions! And I decide to be with Abeigal. And if you sue her I'll still be with her!"

Joseph didn't know but Abeigal had the same sickness as Carlo.

Joseph tried almost everything to get them at least a small apartment. Abeigal felt bad about not doing anything so she starts painting since her mother had a gift of painting.

She sold many beatuiful paintings in secret from Joseph so she could surprise him. But when she suddenly faints while selling a painting and gets sent to the hospital, Joseph realizes about the sickness.

Abeigal died the same way as Calro.

Years later Joseph discovers one of the paintings from Abeigal.

                It was a red glove.

He knew about the red glove. It was a symbol for her mother.

He finished the painting.

He kept it from thatcday 'till the day he himself saw Abeigal.

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