The holotape

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(This probably didn't happen)
Drinking a nuka cola right after a day of shooting abominations. I was startled to hear Procter Ingram tell me "Paladin Danse I need you". This was weird. So I rattled over to her and she said "hey do you remember that holotape that our new recruit got containing knowledge from the synth creators?"."Yes mam" I quickly responded. Well, one of the synths on the list matched you M7-97." This is impossible!"I yelled. The data matches up perfectly so I giving you a warning". "Ok thanks" I said slowly. At that moment I put my power armor in the prydwen and then  ran as far as I could.   

I toke shelter in a recon bunker I believe witch contained a locked elevator to a underground bunker. I found the password to the terminal in a desk and descended to the bunker.

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