Chapter 17

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Unknown POV
I watched Ryland drag his brother in and tied him to the hospital bed I watched over to him and patted his back as we both smirked at the half alive boy but soon he'll be fully gone.

No Ryland now two of them are missing and everything's taking a turn for the worst mom and dad had completely broken down....Rydel and Ellington had ran off while Riker and I were still looking with Laura and Vanessa we were in the deep dark side of town with flashlights and surprisingly....guns for one main reason the people on this side are dangerous I literally had to force them all here that wasn't easy.

We had come across an abandoned hospital and thought we'd search there we slowly walked in and seen flickering lights and empty hospital beds they're was a creek from above and when we looked up we never saw it coming and everything went black....

Sorry for the huge delay but thank you all so much for the views votes and comments my question is that did you all get your Valentine's gift from wattpad? See you next update.

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