Emus r cool

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So im an emu and im cool so now that means emus r cool
so im gonna tell you about my dramatic life from day one.
nothing dramatic so now im just gonna zoom up to now and just say stuff
at the moment im going to the fridge so wish me luck that there will be food guys
so im at the frudge and my mum loves my so she got me a pound pack of raisins yay. i dont know what to eat now so i eat my pound pack of raisins. i got school soon and i got a uniform and i dont like it it is dumb. what do i write here i am bored. so ive been doing some research and i found out that my grandma mavis is half emu so i found out im a blood emu yayaaaayyyyyy. imagine if you woke up wonday amd u werre a chicken nugget. id eat myself idk why. now idk what to write but another update im hungry again so i go to the fridge and look for food.  i see chips and update i just found 7 packs of lollies on the fridge this is so cool!! love u guys btw rip lollies goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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