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For a change Ashton wasn't at the hospital and holding Eden's hand. While it was nice to get out, it made him feel a bit nervous. What if she woke up? What if she died? Thoughts of doubt were constantly running through his mind.

"Mate, she'll be okay," Michael said patting him on the back and wrapping an arm around him in a half hug. The touch and affection made Ashton feel better. His parents weren't really around very much anymore; they were always busy doing something, so to be touched by someone other than an almost lifeless Eden was like feeling the first rays of summer or having a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a room for a very long time.

"How do you know?" Ashton knew it wasn't a fair question to ask but he was after attention, he was craving it. He was so tempted to just cuddle into Michael's arms and break down. But not yet. He would try not to show how much he was suffering, though unluckily for him they could see it writing plain and clear on his face.

Michael didn't reply, whether it was because he didn't have a good answer or because he didn't want to say what he thought, Ashton didn't know. But he did at least pull him into a proper hug. It was slightly awkward considering the difference in height between the two, but Ashton managed to get his head into a comfortable position on Michael's shoulder while Michael was standing up on his toes a little.

"Come here," Michael said. He could see the other two guys looking at them and wanting to join in the hug. They eagerly joined in and Ashton took in an audibly shaky breath, and tried not to cry. This was exactly what he needed. A hug from his mates and a distraction for a couple of hours. They had called him over for "band practise", though in the hour he had been here for, Ashton had seen the other guys do basically anything but practise. It started out as fifa on the x box, then a pillow fight because Luke lost to Calum "because he cheated" and that turned into a wrestling match and eventually a group hug. But it was okay. He had missed hanging out with his boys. Also he had missed banging a proper drum rather than any old surface his fingers came across.

"Here, let's go play something," Luke said handing Ashton a pair of drumsticks. Ashton took them and walked over to the drum kit set up in the back corner of the room. He sat on the stool, the familiar weight in his hands felt amazing. He hit a couple of drums, making up a random beat and having it all wash back over him and from then he was off in his own little world and the extension of his fingertips were expressing how he felt. The other boys on the opposite side of the room stopped and listened. It was what they did, they respected each other and they all knew Ashton wasn't really okay. The rhythms he was making were definitely saying something. They picked up mostly that he was angry and annoyed and then underneath that sad. It did make sense.

When he was done hitting the drums Ashton looked up at the three boys who were in turn staring at him.

"What?" he asked not sure of why they were staring at him like that.

"Did anyone else just get a song idea or was it just me?" Calum said.

"Yup." The other two said in agreement.

"Okay," Ashton said a tad on the confused side. All he had done was bang on some drums.

"What if we..."

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