What happens next

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The last thing i remember, is the man holding the knife up to my troath, and then: nothing... It felt like I was floating around in nothing. Just pure blackness. I couldn't feel, i couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. The only thing i felt was something something soft fly next to me.

And then, i could open my eyes again. I could breathe, think, feel and see again. It was like someone had turned on a tv in nothing, and I found myself suddenly standing inside the tv. 

My feet touched something soft and wet, and I looked down. To my surprise it was grass. Green soft, good-smelling grass. And then i looked up again and saw blue sky, a street, the sun, and a white house. 

The door flung open and a little girl stepped outside. Next to her a man and a woman stood. The woman gave the little girl a kiss on the forehead and then she walked down the stairs and out on the street. She had a little backpack on her back, and she sang while she walked.

I blinked and when I opened my eyes again,Now I was in a room with a table, and four chairs around it. The little girl sat by the table, only now she looked a bit older. She was longer, and her hair was cut around her neck. She looked up from her food, and began speaking.

" Hey dad, the teacher lady said my grades is getter better" She said and smiled a half-toothless smile.

The man looked at her and smiled. 

"That's great sweetie, keep up the good work" And then they all started chit-chatting. 

Suddenly I felt tears rolling down my cheek. I tried to blink them away, but only more and more formed up. Then one tear started to grow bigger. Bigger and bigger it got, and when it was big enough for two horses to fit in, It ate me up. That's right, it came toward me and literally jumped at me.

I fell trough the whole, and when I landed, I wasn't longer in the dining room. I was in a park. When i blinked I saw three people sitting on a swing, talking. 

Two of them had short black hair and looked very much alike. Only, one was a boy and the other one a girl. 

The girl next to them was the same girl from earlier. Now she looked like she was thirtheen or something. Her hair was now longer, right above the chest, and she was much taller than she was.

They sat and talked for a while, when suddenly the boy leaned in and kissed the girl on her mouth. The black haired girl looked at first shocked, but then she smiled.

I blinked again and now I was in a room full of people. A lot of teens gathered around a table, sat on the floor and dansed. And in the middle of everyone was the same girl again. Now her dark brown hair was a little longer than the mid back and her blue eyes had a much more faster colour. 

A banner stood in the middle of the room, and it said; happy sixth teen't birthday. It was the girls birthday. She started dancing and it looked like she had fun. 

It looked like I had fun. 

Yes, the girl was me, it's always been me. Me with my parents on the first day of my school. Me as a nine year old sitting with mommy and daddy, me getting my first kiss by the swings and me celebrating my sixth teen't birthday.

I felt numb. I felt my face go pale, and when i thought I was gonna fall, someone appeared next to me. 

"Victoria" The person spoke. I couldn't see it's face.

"You have a mission to do, before you can travell to the other side"

"You have to make sure your killer is caught" 

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