I need your help Castiel!

34 1 7

Today's hunt was a screwed up one. Dean thought gazing out at the Canyon hotel. Sam had already gone to get the room so Dean was checking himself for serious injuries. He had a dislocated shoulder, a circular cut near his shoulder (the uninjured one) , and a semi-deep gash running up his left side.

Sam however had gotten only a mild concussion because Dean had taken the blunt of the beatings for his little brother. Not that Sammy was little-he's a freaking moose! Dean chuckled.

(I'm sorry I had to make a joke about the moose thing)

Sam knocked on the Impala's window before Dean knew it.

"Yo, Dean we're in room 33. Let's go." Sam said holding up the room key.

Dean limped out of the Impala. After a couple feet Dean collapsed.


"Sam...." Dean croaked.

Sam ran over to Dean scooping him up in his arms.

"Cas!!" Sam wailed as soon as they got into the hotel room.

(Dean's passed out fyi.)

Sam waited a couple seconds before screaming "PLEASE COME CAS!! I NEED YOUR HELP CASTIEL!!!"

Dean twitched and was loosing alot of blood before.....

I'm sorry. I had to have a cliff hanger moment. Here as an apollogy have some sweets.

Mwhahahahaha I'm gonna get yall fat.

Also the first person to get the pun I made will be tagged in my next chapter.

Bye! - Σάρα

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