Chapter 3

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Jason's POV

"Dude, C'mon.  You can do better," the guy to my right says.

"She's harder to crack than you think, so stubborn," I said back to the group of boys standing by me.

The guy to my left moves a little closer, "Dude, you gotta make a move, fast."

I back up, "Yeah I know.  I tried."

"C'mon Jason.  We just want to have some fun.  And we won't have any fun if you don't get moving!."

"Okay," Is all I have to say as the guy's eyes lock with mine, the corners of his mouth turn up into a sleezy grin.  It's contagious because my mouth forms the same smile.

Lily's POV

I wake up on a cold concrete ground that's stained red.  My face and stomach hurt immensely, but I can't move.  Something repeatedly hits my stomach, a shoe?  Something hits my head, smacks my arm, and my stomach once more.  I struggle to get up, to move somehow, but something is holding me down.  I look at the three figures over me trying to identify them in the dim light given by the street light overhead.  When I can't identify them I start to scream, but all I get out is a squeak because a hand slams over my mouth.

Just before I think I can't take anymore of the stepping on me and pounding on me, I hear a voice say, "All right!  That's enough, we got what we wanted."

I strain to recognize the voice while the figures leave in the shadows of the night.  I roll over onto my stomach, bring my arms up onto the ground and try to lift my upper body off the ground.  After a couple winces from pain I manage to sit on my bruised knees and slowly get back on my feet.

My head throbs and tears fill my eyes.  My hands are stained from the concrete and I have scratches up my leg.  I start walking very slowly, limping with every step, because it hurts to go any faster.

They got what they wanted?   What would they want?  The only thing I actually brought is my phone.  My phone.  I freeze in my steps, freaking out a little because I might not have my phone.  What teenager doesn't freak out at that loss?  I pat on my pockets, front then back, and thankfully, it's in the back pocket of my jeans.  I pull it out.  The screen has a giant crack down the middle with little cracks branching off of it.  I slide the phone back in my pocket, realizing it's of no use to me now.  I start walking again.  But, I don't know where I am, so I don't know where to go.  I just start heading down the street, following the path of street lights, until I find a run down restaraunt.

I walk to the front of it, around from the side, and realize I know where I am.  This restaraunt is the one that my grandma used to own.  She found out that this building was for sale, so she snatched it while she could.  "You gotta do something with your life, make the best out of it."  That's what she always said.  So, when she saw this building up for sale she bought it.  She had to take out a loan, which put her in debt for a while.  But, after a year running this buisness on her own my grandpa, her boyfriend at the time, proposed to her.  He started running the restaraunt with my grandma and helped her pay off her debt.  They ran this buisness for a good 25 years, since they were thirty.  After that they tried to find someone who would take over the restaraunt, another manager.  Someone eventually applied for the job.  My grandparents thought they were great and hired them right away, without looking into them that much.  So, he failed to keep this restaraunt open and after about 6 months he abandoned this place.  He was losing money, rather than gaining it, which led him to the decision to just close up and leave.  Who knows where he is now.  'Impulse'.  That's the name of the restaraunt.  My grandma said that she named it that because she had an impulse to buy it.

I'm about an hour away from my house, in the rural town a few over from mine.  I just walk.  Thinking. Figuring there has to be someplace where I can stay, call someone, or something.  Wondering why on Earth I would be brought here.  Of all places.  If my dad wanted to beat me senseless, he could have just done it at his house.  How stupid.  Stupid Stupid.  How stupid I was to go there by myself.  You never confront someone as big as my father, who could bruise me up just like 'that' without caring, by yourself.  I should have called Peyton to come with me.  I should have went to my dorm.  But, I couldn't, could I?  The anger just welled up inside of me.  The possibility that he hospitalized her.  The terror he put me through as a child.  The coward I was to never stand up for myself against him.  Against anyone.  I wasn't thinking, that's for sure.

Well, it's a moot point.  I'm a few towns over, walking on the road, parallel to cornfields for miles.  I keep going, passing a few houses here and there, but refusing to go up to a stranger's house.  If this is what happened to me from being in my own house, imagine what can happen being in somebody else's house.

It feels like hours, but I finally come to a busy road.  A busy intersection in front of me, the highway to my right.  There are a bunch of fast food places on this busy road, so I walk down it until I find one, then walk inside.  I ask if I can use their phone.  After they tell me 'no', I tell them mine is cracked and I just need to call someone to pick me up here.  "Just let me phone someone.  Even in prison you get one phone call.  When she gets here, I'll buy something if you want," I say to the lady behind the register.  Maybe I was a bit dramatic, but I mean c'mon.  Give me a break.

She lets me behind the counter to her phone.  I dial Peyton's number and listen to the ringing, waiting for her to pick up as the lady from behind the counter decides to stand over my shoulder, ready to listen to everything I'm about to say.

Peyton finally picks up on the last ring, "Hey Peyton.  It's me Lily."  She asks me why I'm calling from an unknown number and when I tell her where I'm at, she starts asking more questions.  "Listen, could you meet me here?  I would have called you from my phone, but it's cracked."  Peyton pauses and I quickly get out, "Long story," before she starts questioning me even more.  "Bring some money, too.  I'm hungry," I laugh as she gives me a 'Yes' in response and hang up the phone.  I thank the lady from behind the counter, make my way to a table, and sit down.  Waiting.


Hey guys!  It's been a while!

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Thanks!  God bless! :)


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