Lucky Charms

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Lucky Charms

A girl grows up somewhere and is really shy, quiet and dorky/nerdy. She gets bullied and begs her Mum to let them move away. Her Mum finally agrees after seeing how bad it is. The girl loves to sing and act, but is too scared to do either in front of the bullies. They move away and the next time the bullies, basically all the 'populars', see her, she is a big, famous movie star working for all the major companies. The next film she is doing is being filmed in the place where she grew up. Where the people who bullied her are.

There was always one main bully, a dude (Very scientific terminology from me there!), that was the worst. He sees her and is really shocked at what she's turned into - not just her physical appearance but also her confidence and strength. However, all the girl is set on is:

-Getting this film right, as it is one of the biggest films of her career, if not THE biggest.



Will she succeed in her revenge? Or will she fall for his charms?

(You decide hahaa!)

So there's story idea 3 :)

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