Time to partay✔️

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"Come on Luke, we're gonna be late!" I yelled up to him.

"No we're not! We will be fashionably late!" He yelled down at me.

"Oh for Dumbledore's sake! What are you doing that could take so long!?" I yelled back at him.

"Alright, alright, hold your potions, I'm coming." He started to come down the stairs. He wasn't even dressed fancy! He was wearing a loose button down shirt, and denim jeans that hung perfectly around his waist. I wore my black skinny jeans, a belt, and a loose shirt with some rock-n-roll battle of the sexes stuff on it.

I looked up at Luke with a raised eyebrow. "Did you seriously say hold your potions?"

"Well, did you seriously say 'for Dumbledore's sake'?" He retorted.

I put my hands up in a surrendering matter. "Alright, alright, I rest my case, lets go." We hopped in his car and followed the directions that Klaus texted us.


We had been driving for what seemed like hours!

"Luke are we lost?" I asked, and looked out the window to see more unfamiliar scenery.

He chuckled. "No we're not lost."

"Then where are we?"

"Um...right where we need to be?"

"Why do you sound so unsure?"

"Stop being so paranoid I know exactly where we are."

I let it go, because I knew we were going the right way. Luke wasn't like other guys when it came to directions. He would actually stop, and ask if we were lost. After a few more minutes of driving we pulled up to a huge house. You could probably get lost in hat house. There were people outside drunk, passed out, or smoking. Luke parked and we got out. We went inside the house, and we greeted by drunk bodies dancing everywhere. I looked around for Klaus, he's the one who invited me and I couldn't even find him. I shouldn't want to find him, but I do.

'Just don't get to attached Ronnie' I told myself.

'He's an Alpha, They're all trouble' My thoughts continued.

'STOP! Please, I don't want to think about that right now, I just want to have fun.' I mentally told my thoughts. I can't believe I was talking to myself, and I'm not even drunk.

I went into the kitchen to find something to drink. I opened the refrigerator and the only thing in there was beer, and beer is not what my taste buds wanted right now. I felt someone behind me, watching me.

"Its about time you showed up." He said. I turned around and saw Klaus in all his glory. He had on black jeans and a black button down shirt that showed off his huge muscles perfectly. I saw him smirk and I looked away knowing that I had just been caught checking him out.

"Like something you see?" He asked a small smile on his lips.

"No." I said, a hard look on my face.

"I ment in the refrigerator." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, um, no. All you have is beer and I don't want beer." I simply stated.

"I might have something else in the cabinets." He stepped around me and opened up the cabinet before he found what he wanted. He took out a big, tall bottle and handed it to me. I read the bottle label. It was vodka, its new, and has never been open.

"Are you sure we can drink this?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Ian wont mind." He said. I looked at him for a moment to see if he was telling the truth. I saw no bluff in his eyes. I popped the top off of the bottle and took a swig. (A/N: I'm 13 so I don't really know how to open a vodka bottle) I handed it back to Klaus and he took a swig. This stuff was strong, but tasted good. We continued to share the drink, and by now I was getting really drunk. We finished the entire bottle in an hour.

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