Innocence // Kylo Ren & Han Solo One-Shot

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Word Count: 400

(Han Solo's POV)

I watched as he thrusted his lightsaber into my gut. I couldn't do anything, but feel the saber cut through my abdomen and sizzle inside of me. All I could do was stare into his eyes, those cold black pits of fury. It was like time had stopped as we gazed at each other, neither one of us breaking the stare. Then, he said something that would end up being his last words to me:

"Thank you." he whispered.

And at that moment, I couldn't help but think, what could have possibly happened to change my flamboyant young lad into this... this monster?


I zoomed around the palace, making airplane noises as I ran. I was tired, that's no doubt, but I was being charged with his loud, innocent laughter. There was nothing like the sound of his giggles that could make me so full of joy. Well, other than Chewy of course.

Turning a corner, I caught a glimpse of Leia. I gave her a small smile as we passed her.

"Hi, mommy!" Ben yelled.

Leia smiled and waved back. "Hi, Ben!"

He loved his mother. So much that he always wanted to be around her; I couldn't blame him.

"Alright, Ben, hold on tight. We're going into hyperspace!"

"Punch it, daddy!" His words reminded me of my adventures with Chewy. Good times.

Taking an extra burst of energy, I sprinted into the living room and spun around a couple of times. Then, I picked him up and then fell back onto the couch, hovering him above me.

"Again!" he giggled.

"Maybe later, dad's tired." I responded, sitting him down.

He sighed. "Ah, poo."

"Sorry, kiddo, that's just what happens when you get old."

He sat for a minute, then hopped up. "Do you think Chewy will give me a ride?"

He stared up at me with his innocent looking eyes.

"I'm sure he would."

He smiled brightly and dashed off to find chewy, his tiny legs carrying him as fast as he could go.

(End of Flashback)

Watching him in my last few seconds of life, I looked at him, remembering that five year old who would always ask to have a piggy back ride or drive the Millennium Falcon. And as I fell off of the bridge, I knew that that innocent five year old is still in him... somewhere.

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