Chapter 3

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(A/N: I can't find a good picture for Alex [main character] so just picture her how you want!!!)

I continued to run until I was out of breath, just a mile from Bryanna's place. Thanks to the werewolf gene, I have a little extra stamina. Because, in case you didn't know this about me... I'm lazy. I was going to Bryanna's house because in case the alpha (comment name ideas btw) followed me, I did not want him to know where I live. Once I caught my breath, I smelled the air, just to make sure he wasn't there, then continued. I walked the remaining mile, and arrived at my destination. I rang the doorbell, to be polite, and asked to come in.

"Of course!" replied Donna, Bry's mom. " Anything you need!" I thanked her and entered, smelling James, her brother, everywhere. I was surprised his parents let him ditch. He was always a poster child, so no doubt he lied. "Just wondering, but why did you leave school early?" asked Donna.

"Long story." was my exhausted reply. Two hours later, Bryanna arrived home.

"Dude! What the hell was that?!" Bryanna asked angrily. "I had to answer all of 'mister alpha's' questions! I couldn't leave, it would have been disrespectful!" I waited until she was done with her rant to give her the look. The look that immediately told all of my problems and exactly what I needed. Bryanna was the only one there for me. My parents, they just couldn't understand things the way I did, and always judge me. Bryanna was my best friend;  I would do anything for her, and vice versa. Bry walked over and hugged me, with no words except 'tell me everything.' I told her my worry of being rejected, my fear that I wasn't good enough, and all of my other doubts. She just listened, waited, and hugged me again, tighter this time.

"Can't. Breathe!" I choked out through my dying lungs. Bryanna laughed and released me from her titan grip. I breathed in relief. Then, me being the child I am, I jumped up, and ran as fast as I could. Bryanna catching on to the hint. jumped up and chased me. Eventually, I outran her, hid in a tree and waited. Soon, My gullible friend walked under the tree. I let out a warrior cry and leapt down, landing on Bry; quite heavily, I might add. I heard a grunt, and let out a cry of victory. I walked back inside, singing "Stressed Out" by twenty One Pilots with bry.

we used to play pretend

give each other different names

we would build a rocket ship

and then we'd fly it far away

We continued to chorus and laughed when I broke a note and my voice became abnormally high.  The rest of the afternoon abolished my worries with Doctor Who,anime, more singing, and guitar hero. This was my life in a nutshell. I called my dad around six and begged for a sleepover. After me nagging for half an hour by phone, he agreed. Bryanna and I had a fangirl session over our favorite bands, consisting of Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Black Veil Brides, ect... We crashed at around two a.m. and didn't wake up until around eleven in the morning.


I know this was a short chapter but I'm running on fumes so don't judge! This is actually pretty close to my life, except for you know... the werewolf part, and the mate thing... *cough* I honestly feel a little ridiculous putting all the fangirl stuff in so I'll keep that to a minimum.


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