Hetalia WWFFY {Unknown Waters}

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Your eyes scanned the piece of paper clutched in your hands as you reread the computer created letters over and over. Your heart began to pump faster as realisation and excitement struck in at once making a form of adrenaline as you forced your feet to make a run for it to your house.

You ran across the yard and shakily grabbed your house keys from your handbag/pocket before aiming the formed metal into the lock of the door. You turned the keys and after the click you forcefully opened the door as it made a smashing sound against the brick wall. Of course, this noise alarmed every person present in the building as rushed footsteps, thumps against stairs and noises on upper levels reached your ears.

A flash of brown flew down stairs as something that seems to look like wood almost got smacked against your face. 'W-what are you doing ___?! You know I almost slapped your face with the hand side of a broomstick right? Now tell me what the rush is. You came in like you where ready to murder the hell out of someone. Also my response to that action btw.' You softly pushed part of the wood away with your hand as you replaced the air with the letter. 'Please Dimitri, read this letter. I expect you to jump around the house like a kangaroo in around.... 10 seconds' you said mockingly as you kept up a smiling form.

'What do you mean?' Dimitri grinned nervously, not knowing if your reaction was a good, or bad thing. As his eyes rolled over the given letter, you saw his facial expression change from slight worry to excitement as parts of his legs and arms began to twitch. His widened eyes suddenly looks at you and back to the paper before his body exploded into a moving chuck of meat as he rushed to the living room.

'Mom, Dad, good news! The Science test we all participated in turned out to be a great success! We will receive the tickets and important documents for a free 2 week 5 star vacation in America within 24 hours after we confirm the acknowledgement of this letter with a simple e-mail and secret password response!  Oh my god! I still can't believe we actually won!' After his words flew out of his mouth, the hyperactive boy proceeded to make one of his strange victory dances before darting out of his room to call up some of his friends to inform the great news.

You chuckled as you shook your head eyes closed before aiming your attention to your parents. They stood up from the couch they where sitting on at the moment your brother rushed in and out for the good news and hugged each other before walking your way. 'Honey, I'm very proud of you and Dimitri for helping us in this quiz. We all finally have a chance to see land outside of this continent.' your mother smiled as she stroke the side of your blood rushed cheek. 'Yees mom. It was nothing. You know me and my brother would do anything to make the best out of the family as a family situation. You make me a bit flustered to tell the truth.' 

After these words slipped your mouth your father responded with a hearted laugh. '___, that's nonsense! There is nothing to be flustered about! Like you would do things for the family, we will do the same for you! Now pack your stuff! I have a small surprise for you both. Oh and tell your brother to pack his things as well. Even if it means to rip him away from his cellphone.' he said thoughtful as he scratched the side of his cheek while looking at the ground.

You nodded as you quickly followed the way up the staircase. You stopped at a door with multiple band posters, covering the green paint of the handmade opening. You sighed as you heard the chit chat and loud music vibrating through the cracks before you opened the door. First you went to the radio on top of his desk and turned it off before making your way to Dimitri's bedside as you softly took the cellphone from your brothers ear who was already to busy with using his 2 hands to type in his  status for both Steam as Facebook into his laptop. You spoke in his farewell into the device's membrane and turned it off as well.

'___?! I was speaking to my bff there! it has to be really important to disturb my communication spree like this...'  He pouted as he eventually turned off his laptop and changed into a sitting position as he crossed his arms, waiting for your answer.

'Well first of all we have to make ourselves ready for the journey, and second of all our dad has a surprise, which might be the reason why we already have to go so early.' you smiled as you played with your own fingers. Your brother looks at your hands as the corners of his lips twisted. 'A surprise ey? Well dad knowing this surprise is a good one! now choo, get out of my territory. I have to make myself ready~' Your brother said as he pushed you teasingly out of his domain.

Eventually you heard a slam behind you. You peeked behind you to glance at the door before smiling and making your way to your own room to get yourself ready for the days to come as well.

~time skip~

You sat on your packed suitcase as you slid through the multiple songs on your Ipod/Iphone/Samsung/other. A bored groan left your lips as you pulled the singing buds from your ears to listen to the noises from the living room instead.  'But dad?! Why can't I bring my laptop, Phone and PSP with me?! I need to stay in contact SOMEHOW!' You could imagine your pained dad rubbing his forehead right now. 'That's the actual problem. I want to make this vacation to be completely focused on the family. That means no constant communication with your friends. You already had enough playtime with them all. Sometimes I wish you where a bit more like your sister.'  It was quiet for a moment. 'But-'  'Dimitri, I promise. If you don't contact one of your friends these whole 2 weeks. you'll get that new PSP Vita to replace your old one. All right?' 'You betcha! What are we waiting for? Let's go! :D' Yeah, you could really imagine him making a face like the smiley.

Dimitri rushed out of the living room, suitcase in tow as he almost rushed you over to get to the front door. 'Wow Dimitri. Where did all the pepper up your butt come from?' You laughed as you followed your brother out of the house. He turned to you while walking backwards. His suitcase twisted a bit out of course but was still able to roll with Dimitri's pull. 'What can I say? The sooner we are on vacation, the sooner I get that PSP Vita! you know how badly I want that device?' He grinned while rubbing the bottom of his nose. 'For around 3 weeks now. By the way, you should look behind you.' you smiled as you stopped in your tracks. Looking amused as he kept walking back.

'What do you mea-?' *trip* *boom~* the heap of a opened suitcase, fallen boy and a taxi driver in front of the taxi vehicle made it an amusing sight. You laughed for a good minute before falling down to a chuckle as you slowly picked up the scattered clothes and accessories from the stone ground.

The taxi driver pushed himself off from the opened suitcase while mumbling something under his breath as he proceeded to help up your brother, who was still lying face first against the ground. After he got helped up he rubbed his slightly bruised cheek as pained moans left his lips. 'You know ___. That was kinda evil what you did there' A small sigh left your lips as you rubbed the nap of your neck. 'Yeah, I should have just warned you by grabbing you instead of letting you walk further backwards. Lets just say I just couldn't help it.' You sheepishly smiled while throwing a apologetic glance to the taxi driver.

'i should apologize to you more because I gave you unneeded trouble.' you mumbled as you darted your eyes to the ground with concern. 'Don't worry about it. I don't mind. seeing you laugh the little action had to be funny. Besides, I like to see people smile when that happens. especially when it is the smile on a pretty lady like yourself~' he grinned flirtatiously as he readjusted his cap before putting your brothers repacked suitcase into the Taxi's trunk.

You froze as you felt blood rush to your cheeks while your eyes moved to various places on the ground. You didn't notice your brother sending daggers to the mans back.

you heard footsteps and the scrapping sounds of plastic against stone as 2 blurs passed your standing form. 'Ah, sorry that we came out of our house so late. We couldn't find our keys for the alarm system. But no worries we got them, and our house is well secured.' your fathers voice told as it got followed by another 3 thumps. You then felt a hand on the side of your right shoulder blade. 'Come sis! Everything is packed and ready! I don't want to see the moss grow from between the pavement. I want to hold a heart warming vacation!'. You laughed as you let yourself get guided by the hand before stepping into the taxi. After that you tried to make yourself comfortable on the brown leather of the seat.

You quickly strapped your seatbelt before looking to your left side to see Dimitri and your mother do the same thing. 'Ok, are we seated? then lets bring these holidaymakers to their well desired trip.' The taxi driver roared the engine to life as he proceeded to manoeuvre the taxi from the roads side before going with the flow of the traffics movements. you sighed as you rested your head against the cool surface of the window while looking at the blurs of people, houses and trees that the car passed by.

Little did you know, that these little facts could be the last memory from your home town.    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2013 ⏰

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