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I stared at his eyes. His showed nothing but love and affection. Taking a deep breath I steeled my brown eyes. "You are my queen. You are my everything Messy. Please don't shut me out." He paused placing his hand on my face. "Please give me one chance. One chance to prove not all men are the same." He took a deep breathed. "I know I f***** up but I promise I'll change. I want to be the man you need. I want to be the man our future children look up to. I want to be the one who keeps you." I took a deep breath. My heart pounded against my breast plate. "I love you........"


Hey my little pups. So I've been reading a SoA book and it gave me inspiration to write this. It's called Little Toy Guns by bookishhipster you should go check it out. It's amazing. The chapters are long and well detailed. It's just an amazing book to sit down and read. I hope this book turns out just as good as hers.

Ok so this has no true pairing. With that said you, Yes you the reader get to chose who she ends up with. You can chose anyone. I mean anyone from Jax to Clay. Heck if you really want I'll even do Darby. Also with that said I'll write a ending for the top characters. Like say Jax, Opie, Clay, Bobby, Tig are the top characters y'all voted on then they each get their own ending with our lovely Messy.

Also this story WILL have run on sentences, poor punctuation, misspelled words and bad grammar in places. The reason for this is I like to end a book before I truly go back and edit it. If this bothers you then A: don't read or B: save to your library and read once it's been edited.

Last off: this book deals with abuse, mental disorders, and kinks. I have dealt with the issues mentioned in this book. I have suffered mental abuse as a child which lead to my depression. I was told I was bipolar at a young age with underline anxiety. I have and still deal with these problems. I know to some extent what I'm saying is true. But of course this effects people differently. Ok sorry got a little off track. Anyways criticism is welcomed just please don't be rude.

Comment who you want HERE!!!!

I hope y'all enjoy 😊!!!!!!

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