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Alicia's DCO
Karry Wang Jun Kai
Charming, cute, responsible and good at rapping
Cheeky, funny
Form 3
Alicia's Tae Kwon Do Master
Jackson Yi Yang Qian Xi
Charming, cute, responsible and good at dancing
Form 2
Head Librarian
(I can't be a prefect and librarian at once right )
Roy Wang Yuan
Charming, adorable, responsible and good at singing
Cheerful, kind hearted
Form 2
Alicia Tan.
Probation prefect (had a hard time to choose between librarian and prefect)
Ordinary, long,wavy,hair,quite cute ,okay in dancing,quite good at singing, rapping,and imitating people's voices, likes to annoy her friends(loves to annoy)
Cold,cheerful when with friends,serious when supposed to, quite funny and a little bit crazy
Form 1
Sanjeev (? I don't know)
Also a probation prefect
His brother is a top board (prefect)
Looks quite okay,people call him cute( one person only)likes to imitate my " say what" and "what" and to annoy me
Cheerful,cheeky, annoying (to me)
Form 1
Chong Jen Ni (I call her Jenni Chong)
Also a probation perfect
Loves singing,writing stories,drawing,cute,pretty,with spectacles, long,curly hair,tomboyish
Cheerful,funny,kind hearted,and a little bit crazy
Form 1
Jasmine Yap Hui Ying
Probation prefect
Singing, doing homework,long,wavy hair etc
Hot tempered ,cute, hard working,and a bit crazy
Form 1
Wen Xuan
Ho Wen Xuan
Singing,fangirling,long,wavy hair,cute,pretty
Cheerful,ignores enemies,and a bit crazy
Form 1
Different class with (Alicia,Jasmine,Jenni and sanjeev)((same class))(((first class)))
In second class
A Malaysian actor (true,he is in my school! Yahoo!)
Class monitor
Second class( wen xuan so lucky...)

In Love With DCO ,Head Librarian And Tae Kwon Do MasterWhere stories live. Discover now