Chapter 4

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Claire POV:

"What?" He shrugged, that dick shrugged.

"What do you mean what?" I glared at him.

"You seem mad." Of course I'm mad, you threw me into the damn lake.

"Really? Do I really?"

"Yes, yes you do. Why?"

"Why would you think, dick?"

"You cussed? I didn't think you had it in you."

"Are you re-" The words came out in a mumble as Recce suddenly kissed me. The kiss was hard and forceful like he hadn't eaten the whole day. I tried pushing him away but he held my hands and put it on top of my head. His tongue was suddenly in my mouth without I even noticing when it entered. It explored everywhere and when I finally gave in and was about to kiss him back, he backed out. "Wha- What was that?" I said panting and surprised that I liked what just happened.

"Didn't know any other way to shut you up." He shrugged.

"You..- ugh." I couldn't even get the words at of my mouth so I slapped him. "Son of a bitch." I took off my shoes and walked home.


"Claire, are you ok dear?" My mom asked during breakfast. It took me about an hour and a half to walk back home last night so I got home around 2 in the morning. I threw my shoes at the door and went in my room falling asleep.

"Yes." I answered not looking up and continued eating my food.

"Are you sure?" she asked again obviously detecting I wasn't alright.

" Yes mother. I am" I replied coldly obviously not in the mood.

"Alright, alright. Just know I'm here if you need me."

"I know, thanks. I love you."

I finished and went back into my room jumping on the bed. I knew I shouldn't be affected by what Recce did yesterday but I am. Ok? I am. he can't just kiss me and tell me it because it would shut me up. I'm mad how much effect he had on me. I'm mad how he made me change in just a second. I don't even know the boy that much. we have only known each other for 5 days. Ugh, I don't get myself.

"CLAIRE!" My mom called me, ugh. "CLAIRE!" Again. I ran down the stairs and groaned.

"Mum, stop screaming. I'm here." She smiled as if she had won and I rolled my eyes.

"Your father and I have something very important to tell you."

"Go ahead."

"Since we just came from France and never did go visit my family in Mexico. Your mother and I decided to go on a 3-month vacation to Mexico." Hold on? What? "I'm not done. Since you are just getting here and school starting in three days. We decided to let you stay here."

I screamed! "Oh my God." I ran over and kissed them both on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you so much."

They smirked. Uh huh, that had a sinking feeling to it. My mother continued this time. "Yes and your father made a friend with the woman next door. So we also decided since you are underage, you will be living with her and her son during the months we are gone." I knew it.

"What? You do understand that you are sending me to live with a stranger for months with her son. Her TEENAGE son who I might add is only a mere one year older than me," No, no, no, they can't do this to me. Make me live with a family I don't know especially since Vinny is there. No, nope. I'm not doing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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