Who do you think you are?

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handler took we to a fancy Italian restaurant and we were seated toward the back in a private space. He was being all sweet and polite and pushed me in and we pulled out out menus and started up talking.

"So..."CHANDLER said.
"So...", I sarcastically mimicked.
"Watcha getting", he asked.
"UHG the crab alfredo or the chicken spinach tortellini, you?"
"Uhm chicken parmesan with garnished cheese or crab afredo"
"Tell you what I order the afredo and you the chicken and I will give you half of mine", I said
"Wow babe I'm going to share with you then"

"No no you need to eat more plus I shouldn't be eating this alot my nutritionist wants me too stay in shape due to my absences from fitness these past weeks". I say.

"I just wish they'd lay off about your body it's perfect and sexy the way it is, also why have you been missing gym", he ask with an irratated tone.

"Well... I've just been getting tired faster and getting bigger it's weird it's like I'm bloating but I have been eating really good I don't know what's up?, I say cautiosly.

As Chandler looks up and locks his blue eyes with my brown ones.

Our food is put down in front of us it looks delicious and smells divigne but Chandler eyes don't leave mine as he looks pissed.

"So have you been to the hospital to know what's up"?, he ask slowly still watching me as I look down at my food.

"No Chandler but it's fine I've been okay for the past couple of days" I say hestitantly.

"Well you it's funny because Tiffany messaged me that you almost passed out and she suspects something major and that she knows you won't tell me what's up" he gravely says.

"Look Chand-", I start but he stops me.

"No Jade enough with the bullshit" he says while slamming he fist down gain some looks.

"Look Chandler people are starting to look and I don't thin-" I again start but he interrupts.

"See that's the thing about you always caring who's watching and looking you always have to be perfect, act perfect, and what about me you never give me enough attention it's always work,work,work with you"! He yells.

Now I'm mad.

"Uhm i know YOU aren't talking about jobs and working too much your never home and when you are you go to parties and are on the phone booking for more events and dragging me to your premiers and carpets when I have stuff to do, do you know why those stars look so good because of me I work my ass off day and night to come up with best and unlike you I'm in hot water if I screw this up i screw everything one mistake and no one will want me,, it's different for you just showing up to lok cute and say a couple lines and if you don't get it big deal it's CHANDLER RIGGS everyone wants him right" I fire back but normally I wouldn't but something came over me ... hormones maybe?

"You know what I am so sick of your secrets and your life your obsessed with being perfect that you can't even live a life outside of your petty one" he comes at, "for two months you have never bothered to really call when I was away and when you did it was late at night or early in the morning, and your so moody I can never tell what is up with you, how your feeling, or what" but as he says this he gets up and leaves and I follow all the way back to the apartment with a taxi after paying and our food untouched.

20 minutes after getting there and opening the door and walk to to see Chandler drinking a beer and opening another one.

"See there you are again drinking your life away instead of talking like you always fucking do, you sit there an expect me to pity you when you get depressed from the fame and attention and when I give myself to you it's never good enough"! I yell

"You stupid Bitch you really think this is why I drink , I drink because the fucking slut I fell in love with is ignoring me and staying late at work probably sleeping with someone and expecting me to fall for your fucking lies" he screams approaching me towering over me and I smell the alcohol on his breathe.

"You are a piece of shit you know that you just mop your life away and never appreciate me even when I found out you cheated, and we're prepared to take your life away I still stuck with you, you know what go to hell you lying bitch ass cun-" I would have finished that sentenced if it wasn't for the stinging on my cheek and pain of the wall coming into contact with my head.

I reached up and touched my cheek then back at Chandler and he was so drunk that he didn't even notice my hurt.

"Don't ever speak to me like that, ever again, now you have 10 seconds to get a shower and get into the bed right now".

Chandler had been aggressive before but it was never with me he would just throw things and yells and curse but he never put his hand on me.

I was really scared as I looked into his eyes and stared.

"Now"! he screamed.

I jumped and went to the bedroom holding my cheek.

I got in the shower and into the bed and Chandler soon went in and came out.

He got into the bed and spooned me and starting to kiss my neck but I was scared that he would hit me again

"Mph...baby " he moaned into my neck grinding.

"Chandler please just go to sleep we just got showered, I said crying alittle and worried.

"What so now your going to control when I can be intamate with you" he growls.

"No no its just im not in the mood and we don't need to get messy again" I said so I didn't upset him.

"No I want this now, he said while putting he hands up my short lingerie gown and pinning my arms above my hand and reaching for my panties.

"Look Chandler I really don't want this please stop, really tour still kinda drunk let's just go to sleep", I panick.

I've still been in pain during sex and Chandlers drunks which means he won't be gentle so I'm getting really scared that the love of my life I'd about to force and to due something I don't want too...

"Shut up" he said coldy while holing a grip on my face before my clothes were ripped off and his as well, I tried to fight back but it was useless my stomach hurt and he was stronger and 2 times that due to his current state.

"Baby please don-" I beg crying.

But it was to late my slammed inside me and was thrusting uncontrollably and I was crying and screaming which only made him go faster and bent me over the couch in our room and forced me there where he continued his actions and and turned me around and continued. I suddenly was overwhelmed with pain and became tired and soon was taken over of pain and torture.

I woke up and was being once again spooned by Chandler but mine and his clothes were on the floor. He was snoring a little so I knew he was our. I slipped out of his grip and checked my phone.


I went into the bathroom and went to get a robe when I stopped into the large mirror revealing my bruise on my face and between my legs. I remembered how they got there and broke down crying.

I went back in the room and started to pack some clothes , Chandler needs to have some space and needs to figure out his priorities because as far as I'm concerned were done you don't hit me but the Rape me oh no I need to go and play everything that just happen I had 5 suitcases full of shoes,clothes,and extra stuff and was just about to leave when I saw Elsa and she must have known I was sad because she cuddled up to me and I grabbed her carrier and took her too.

Chandler Riggs will think twice before putting his hands on me.

"Hello Kylie hey...yea I'm coming to your place..no its..just stay awake we need to talk....


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