A Thorn in the Heart

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It was a beautiful day in Moonrock Springs. To me, this is the most perfect place in the world. Me and my BFF, Peter are walking back from fighting class. It has been a great day. I got my black belt and I could not wait to show my mom and dad. 

"You did a great job today," said Peter. 

"Ya you did too," I said. 

"Ummm can I ask you something," said Peter. 

"Ya anything Peter," I replied.

"Would you like to be my girl friend". 

In the distant I could here my mom call for me. "I'm sorry Peter I got to go, I'm coming mom". 

As I walk in to our house mom was crying. "Mom is everything alright". I look at what my mom was holding it was all dirty but I would know it from any where my dad's pendent. 

Mom saw what I was looking at and said, "I'm sorry but dad did not make it out of the mine in time and the bomb went off and this is all that's left of him."

"No," I fell to my knees and look down at the floor. Mom came up to me.

"I think he would want you to have this." She put the pendent around my neck. Then gave me a hug. "Rosez  you know he is now in a better place."

"No he should be here with us," I became mad he should not have gone and died.

He didn't even want to go to work today but mom made him. It was her fault. She was the reason he died. I looked up at my moms face. "You killed dad let go of me". I tried to get out of moms hug but I couldn't .

Then all of no where rose vines came out of my hands and went around my mother's neck. The thorns on the vines slit my moms throat but she still managed to say, "Rosez I love you so much." 

A tear ran down my dead mom's face. I just killed her. "I'm sorry mom I never meant to..."

I got up I knew that I had to run. If I didn't I would be as dead as my mom and dad. 

I had just made it out of  Moonrock Spring with out being sighted. Then out of no where I hear Peter's voice,  but I didn't  stop. 

I tripped over a rock and Peter was right on top of me he tired helping me up but then my vines popped out and cut his face badly. I got up and ran. I did not look back. All I heard was Peter crying in pain because of me and I could not do a thing to help him. I could not go back and help him because the town people were after me now. 

I just ran.


Hi I'm RosezTheWolf and this is my first Sonic fan fiction. I hope you guys like it a lot. I would like to give recongition to @KatAuroraMist for the cover and some ideas. If you have any ideas for me or want an OC in here, message me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2013 ⏰

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