Chapter 1 (Beyond the grave)

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3rd person pov
Deep below the soil, laid the non-decaying body of Dariele. Her skin looked just how it did when she died, soft and a little greasy. She looked so peaceful, so innocent. Didn't everyone when they were dead? If you looked closely enough, you could see her chest slightly rise than fall. She was alive?! A sane person would flip shit if they saw her breathing. You could also see a little condensation, come from her nose. If you listened close enough her heart beat was strong yet barely noticeable. Her eyes fluttered lightly but they never opened. Dariele indeed was alive.
Dariele's pov
My eyes snapped open to be met with complete darkness. Where was i? Why is it so dark? I felt around, I reached up slowly to be met with a wall? I knocked and it sounded like glass. Is that what I was knocking on? Was I in a glass box?! I can't be! I started freaking out. I kicked and hit the glass screaming. That wasn't a good idea, when something hit dry hit my face I knew it was dirt. Who buried me alive! I hit harder than in seconds dirt came rushing in I pushed my way up, clawing my way to the surface.
3rd person pov
Here lies Dariele, the one always smiling. A crow sat on top of the tombstone neatly. A small delicate hand shot out the ground scaring the crow, sending it flying off into the night. After the hand followed, a skinny arm than a head. Dariele pulled the rest of her body out of the ground and laid next to her destroyed burial ground. She panted lightly, she shook out her now dirty hair. After a while of regaining her strength, she rose to her feet. Her eyes flickered around as she took in her surroundings. She put one foot in front of the other, her legs wobbling. She held her hands out to the side, trying to keep balance. She made her way to the front of the tombstone, and looked at it closely. "Here lies Dariele, the one always smiling." She said her voice was barely audible, remember she hasn't spoken in 3 whole years. She looked at the bottom of the tombstone and saw decaying roses, her knife, along with her switchblade Jeff had given her. Then grabbed them tightly in her dirty hands, it felt good to hold them again. She looked back at the tombstone, putting two and two together. Realization hit her, she had died 3 years ago and was back. Back from beyond the grave. Where was everyone? Her family? Her world?! She looked around frantically. She must find them soon. She took off running through the woods, she knew the woods like the back of her hand.
Dariele's pov
I hope they missed me. I missed them, I saw the house it was all lit up. I stopped running and went a steady walking pace. I was nervous the closer and closer I got the more nervous I felt. I walked up the stairs to the porch, maybe I should sneak in. Yes that would be a great surprise. I walked to the side of the house that my room was on, I looked up at the window and the light was off. My room was on the third floor, how was going to get up there? I backed up a little than got a running start, I jumped and slammed my knife into the side of the house. I climbed up the side of the house using my knives. I opened my window and hopped inside bringing my knives with me. I closed it and sighed. I turned around and saw my room, it was dusty. Everything was still in place, nothing moved or out of place. I walked over to my closet and saw all my clothes and shoes. I grabbed a random outfit and went into my bathroom, I flicked on the light and it blew out. Well damn it! Shower in the dark it is. I took a quick shower than pulled on my clothes, I walked over to the dirty body mirror and looked at myself. I shrugged I looked okay I guess. "DINNER IS READY!!" I heard someone yelled. OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T HAD SLENDY'S FOOD IN YEARS! They don't know I'm back! I should surprise them. I peek into hallway and saw little kids running down the stairs. My eyes widen, who had kids! I'm a aunt! Oh my gosh. I waited 15 minutes to go downstairs. I was nervous, I paced back and forth. "You can do this! They miss you." I said as I walked out the room and down the hallway. I skipped down the stairs and looked around everything was the same but there was toys everywhere! Crayon marks on the walls! Slendy would flip if he saw the house, like this. I quickly picked up the toys, putting them in the huge toy bin. I than tip toe over to the dinning room, door way. One door was open the other closed. I listened in on there conversation, I heard little kids giggling. I smile, this is it Dariele you can do this. Just jump out and say surprise. I felt a sneeze come on, no not now! I sneezed loudly, the talking stopped. "You guys heard that?" I heard Lj say "yeah did one you kids sneeze?" I heard Jane ask "No.." They all said aww they sounded so cute. "Just finish eating everyone please." I heard Slendy say he sounded so different, I haven't heard him talk in years. They went back to eating and talking. I fixed my outfit

I had a few minutes to paint my nails with the nail polish I found

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I had a few minutes to paint my nails with the nail polish I found. I did a really good job, I think. I knocked on the closed door to the dinning room everyone stopped talking again. I knew they all were looking at the door. "Slender were you expecting someone?" I heard Jessica ask. "No..but whoever it is may come in." I heard Slendy say i let out a held in breath. I stepped from behind the door and stood there. I heard gasp and someone chocked, I looked at them all. I smiled nervously "I'm back." I said putting my hands out to the side, shrugging. I didn't expect the reaction I got.
CLIFFHANGER!! Comment and favorite, if you liked the first chapter! Thank you all I love your guys KISSES! 💓 - Dariele

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