Chapter 7 (More than friends)

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Recap: "But seriously I like you maybe we could me something, more than just friends?" Liu asked Could I trust someone with my heart again? Could I love someone again? I'm afraid if I do I will get hurt again, what should I do?
Dariele's pov
I think I could let myself fall in love 1 more time. What's the worst that could happen? He hurts you. I thought to myself. "Yeah I liked that. We can be more than friends." I said he smiled "That's great." He said smiled He grabbed my face and kissed me. I've kissed Liu before but this was different, I felt good, special? "Ma'am? Sir?" I heard someone say I pulled away and was met by a bright light in my face. "No PDA on the beach, how old are you both?" The officer asked "17, 18." Liu said I smile softly as Liu wrapped his arm around my waist. Inside I was screaming, I smiled up at the officer. "Kids go home." He said we got up, Liu squatted down. I hopped on his back, he started walking down the beach. "Have a good night!" He yelled I put up the peace sign. We got to the woods and I was half sleep. "Liu?" I asked "Yeah." He replied "Tonight was a lot of fun." I mumbled "It was, a lot of fun." He said
Dariele's pov
I open my eyes and see Liu taking his shirt off, to put on a new one. Or so I thought. "Here change into my shirt." He said I rolled over taking it. I took off my dress and slid it over my head, it was big. It came to the mid of my thigh,  I crawled into bed next to Liu. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes listening to his heart beat. He was shirtless oh gawd! I rested my hand on his stomach, I traced a little pattern. He grabbed my hand and kissed my head. "Go to back to sleep." He cooed. "I can't." I said "Fine let's go get a snack." He said getting up, my head fell onto the bed. "Carry me!" I said reaching for him he picked me up, but set me down. "Wait you need to put some pants on." He said going in a drawer, pulling out some sweats. "Your not walking around half naked." He said i slid them on. "Fine but I'm not letting you walk around with out a shirt." I said crossing my arms. "I'm a man I get to show off my muscles." He said flexing I almost drooled they were so muscular. "And I'm a lady! I get to show off my thighs and ass." I said "Oh hell no." He said "Your wearing those fucking sweatpants, whether you like it or not. Your dating me, I'm not letting you strut around half naked. Your mine so your wearing those sweatpants." He said I groan "Fine!" I said I loved how he got so protective and said I was his. "Asshole." I mumbled as we walked downstairs. "What was that?" He asked I shook my head. "I didn't say anything." I said "Sure you didn't cupcake." He said he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the kitchen. I sat at the counter "What do you want?" He asked looking in the fridge. "There is pizza, cake, Oreo cookies. Oreo ice cream." He said naming some things that were in the fridge. I shrug "Surprise me." I said "Okay." He replied I saw him pull out pizza, he put some on a plate and put it in the microwave. I got up from the chair and went over to Liu, wrapping my arms around his waist.

 I got up from the chair and went over to Liu, wrapping my arms around his waist

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I laid my head on his back, he was really warm damn. The microwave beeped signaling the food was done, so Liu got the food and we went to the living but stopped when Sarah hoodies girlfriend, ran into me like on purpose. Me being the nice person I am. "Oh I'm sorry." I said she looked at me, than Liu than down to his bare chest and abs. Um does she not see me right here? "Um hello? I know you see me right here, so don't stare at my boyfriend like that or you will be staring at your ass when I'm done with you." I said standing in front of Liu, crossing my arms. "Whatever." She said walking into the kitchen. "Bitch." I say I grabbed Liu, and we went to the living room and sat down. "You know your cute when your mad." He said wrapping his arm around me but I push it away. "What's wrong with you?" He asked "Just leave it." I said pulling my knees up and turning away from him. "Come on tell me what's wrong?" He said I shook my head curling into a ball at one of the couch. "Alright fine..." He said grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. I looked at him glaring, spongebob was on. "We're not watching tv until you tell me what's wrong." He said I rolled my eyes. "Okay..I just didn't like the way she was looking at you, it's bothers me. Go put a shirt on or something please?" I explained he smiled "Your jealous." He said "I am not!" I shot back "Are too!" He said getting up he kissed my head than went upstairs. I ate some pizza while I waited, he came back with a shirt on. I smiled he sat back down I went to hug him but he turned away. I pouted "Are you mad at me?" I asked he looked at me "No I'm happy." He said I pouted more. "I'm sorry." I said I hugged him anyway, when he didn't hug back I hugged him tighter. I sat on his lap facing him, I buried my face into his shoulder. I was so small compared to him "Why won't you love me?" I asked wrapping his arms around my waist, I lifted my head looking at him. I started kissing all over his face, I kissed his lips but he didn't kiss back. "Liu!" I whined he smiled and kissed me lightly. "Are you happy now?" He asked I nodded smiling he tightened his grip on my waist and eventually I fell asleep.

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