Cameron's POV

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The first week back to school had ended and I still hadn't made any friends. So I decide to cheer myself up by going to the mall. Oh by the way I'm Cameron, my nickname is Cam and I'm 17 years old. I do well in school ( in my opinion) and I have a dog. His name is Brownie because of the brown spots on his body. Also I'm an only child and my dad left my mom and I when I was four. And life has been hard. Also I have curly hair that doesn't cooperate with me. So as I was saying I was on my way to the mall when my phone buzzes. I have no friends so it must be my mom.

Mom: hey going out for a few minutes see u at 🏡

By the way my mom tries so hard to be tech savvy but she's not. LoL

Me: ok see u then

So by now I'm at the mall. I see people go by and a few from my school. Btw in my town has everyone close together.

So I go into the mall and immediately scurry to my favorite store Jeany's. They sell the best skinny jeans and t-shirts!! I'm obsessed with this store. So I walk in and head to the black skinny jeans. I grab my size and go to the shirts. I grab the cutest shirt I see and head to the register.

After I get clothes from my favorite store I walk to the food court. I start to head to Subway. I got on line and waited until I was up. I ordered a sandwich and sat down. I tried to curl my hair behind my ear but it wouldn't stay so I gave up after a few tries.

So when I finished my fantastic food I decided to go home. So I went to the trash can trying to avoid any physical or verbal contact with anyone. But the world hates me so something muscular bumped into me. I looked up he was so hot. (Oh by the way I'm gay 😋) "I'm so sorry " I find myself pushing the words out of my mouth. "Watch were your going kid!" Omg his voice was like music to my ears, but he was annoyed by the look on his face.

So then I run to the trash can and run to the bathroom. That handsome guy that I just bumped into was with some of his friends. Jerks I say in my head. Just then I hear someone coming in and I hid in one of the stalls with my feet on the toilet so they didn't know I was here.

I hear them talking about me so I listen closely. "That kid is so clumsy " I hear one of them say. "You can say that again" he chuckles. I know that sexy voice anywhere. It was him!! I'm having a little panic attack in my head. But at the same time I was getting turned on for some reason witch was weird.

After I hear them leave I leave too. So I rush to my car. But I see this poster on my windshield, confused. They don't know what my car looks like I think in my head. I hesitate for a moment then take the poster and put it in my car.

When u got home I hear my mom making lunch. "Hi honey how was the mall?" "It was ok" I mumble. My mom looks at me and says "what happened?" She knows me soooo well, I always come back from the mall happy. "I bumped into a kid at the food court and he yelled at me." My mom says "That's just how some teenage boys are, but not my little Cam. I'll beat the hell out of anyone who embarrasses my son like that." I chuckled as we ate lunch.

After lunch I look at my mom and give poster that was on my windshield.

"Oh my gosh your first party!!" She squeals, "You know you're going to that party right?" Mom tells me. "Mom...I'm not going, they didn't even know it was my car." Btw I have my own car, score!!!

So in the end my mom obviously sends me to the party. So I get my new clothes on from the mall and get ready. I can't believe it's today such short  notice.

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