Freak Out 19:

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Carnival rides!

The Ferris Wheel, specifically.

I think the first time I went for this ride was about five years ago. I was, like, eleven at that time. At first, I was excited. I was like, 'Yay omg I'm finally going to know what it's like to ride a Ferris Wheel! I'm sure it's going to be amazing!' And although I was feeling a bit nervous, the sense of excitement was flooding me.

We went to get some tickets and chose a seat. There was a jolt and then we started.

Suddenly, I started shaking as the wheel took us slowly up and up, higher and higher and higher. My stomach started to feel queasy. I swallowed hard, my heart beating faster. 

And then we were up so high! I felt my stomach churning. My eyes started to water. I pulled my sister's arm and told her that I wanted to go down that instant. It looked like she was having fun, though, so I started pulling at her arm again, insisting that I wanna go down already. 

It was such a relief when I felt my feet on the ground! Since then, I never rode a Ferris wheel anymore. Not even kidding!

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