One Hundred Sleepless Nights*Pierce The Veil*

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(The Girl In The Picture Is Victoria. And imagine that her hair is black until the time skip! also, i know Jaime lives in San Diego but lets just say he lives somewhere else until my time skip kay :D )


Me and my boyfriend Jaime were currently walking through a park. We had been going out for about 3 months now and we had had sex for the first time last week. "So what do you wanna do babe?" Jaime asked me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "um....can we go to my apartment? I need to talk to you about something...." I said. "are you...breaking up with me?"he looked at me. I and shook my head. "no....I just have some news" I said. "ok" all Jaime did was nod. We walked to Jaimes car and hopped in. Jaime started the car and pulled out of the park. "so...what do you need to tell me?" Jaime asked as we sped through the streets of L.A. "just...something..." I said. I hope he takes the news well..

When we reached my apartment complex,I jumped out of the car. Jaime quickly followed suit and ran around the car to grab my hand. "are you ok? you look a little pale..." Jaime said putting a hand on my forehead. "uh...yeah.." I said. "lets just go upstairs..." I said. Jaime nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside.

*skipping akward elevator ride*

As we stood outside my apartment door, I searched my pocket for my keys. "oh! I got em right here!" Jaime smiled, pulling my keys out of his pocket. "I took them while we were at the park" he smiled, answering my questioning gaze. I made an 'oh' face and unlocked my door and opened it and stepped inside, holding the door open for Jaime. When he got inside I closed it and slid my dirty, ratty bkack vans off. When I turned to face my living room, Jaime pushed me up against a side wall. "are you sure you're not breaking up with me?" he asked, trailing his hands up and down my arms. I let out a shakey breath and nodded. "then what is it?" he asked, leaning into me. I turned my head to face my front door and let out a sigh of content as Jaime kissed my neck. "uh...I, um, I only found out about it yesterday but, um..."I trailed off, thinking about all of Jaimes possible reactions. I mean......he said he loved he would stay right?

"I think we should sit down first..." I sighed. Jaime just nodded and pulled me over to my leather couch. He sat me down and sat next to me, placing a comforting hand on my lower thigh. "what's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with concern and confusion. "you love me right?" I asked nervously. I was starting to feel queasy. "of course I do! Why would you think I didn't?" he asked. "well...I was just making sure...I don't know how you'll take what I'm about to tell you..." I said. "come on Vic....please just tell me!" Jaime said. "I'm, um, pregnant..." I said looking down. Jaime didn't say anything for a minute. "are you sure?" he asked quietly. "yes" I said, letting a tear escape and slide down my cheek. "I'm too young for this...I don't think I can handle-no! you can't be!" Jaime suddenly got up in a fit of anger. "I made sure I wore a condom! it didn't break! I can't beli-" I cut him off. "JAIME!! shut the fuck up!! how do you think I fucking feel! I'm carrying a tiny fucking person inside of me because of you!" I yelled. "well whatever! this!? me and you?! is fucking over! keep that thing! or yanno what?! don't! I don't fucking care!" he yelled. "fuck you Jaime Preciado!" I screamed one final time before he walked out of the door.

That was all it fucking took. I wadnt even going to cry over his sorry ass. If he really loved me he wouldn't have done that. I ran to my room and started slinging my clothes and other various things into my many suitcases. I was leaving. I wasn't even going to wait around for Jaime. I sighed as I picked up a picture of me and Jaime off of my nightstand. "I hope you rot in hell" I said as I placed the picture on my bare bed. I was taking everything in the apartment with me except for the furniture and kitchen ware. when I finally got everything packed, I dragged it over to the elevator that was connected to my apartment. "goodbye" was the last thing I said before I entered the elevator.

When the lift reached the lobby I asked for one of those roley things that you can put your luggage on. I rolled my luggage out to my van. It was one of those cool looking vans though. Not a stalker van or a mini van. Once all of my belongings were in the car, I hopped in and drove off to start my new life.

(next chapter will be what happens next {obviously !!}. But please please please vote, follow, comment, and tell me how it was!!! Thanks!!! bai! ♥)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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