Stalphos Saga - Jordana Del Muerto

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Steven and Patriot had a plan to battle Sin and minimize civilian and collateral casualties. However, Patriot required some time to gather resources and push some paper work to make sure he would have what was needed to assault Sin.

Payson was grateful for the mini-vacation Steven was spending with her and James. She wasn't even upset that their home had been destroyed because she was so happy that Steven had been beside her every morning when she woke up. When the day came for Steven to finally leave, she felt heartache like she had never felt before.

James was thrilled to see his father leaving for battle. The boy didn't fully comprehend what his father was really doing. All he saw was the new suit of blue armour his father was going to use to fly off on some heroic adventure. James didn't comprehend the danger Steven was putting himself in. Thanks to Sherise, Steven didn't know what kind of danger he was putting himself in.

The doctor had yet to disclose to Steven how advanced his condition had become. It didn't help that every time she saw Steven, Payson was glued to his arm. Sherise didn't have the heart to tell Steven that one good hit from Sin could end him. She couldn't imagine the look on Payson's face or how the pregnant woman would react to the news of Steven's advanced condition.

The armour was standing upright and Steven was investigating the suit, preparing it for his journey to New Mexico. Sergeant Cutter was accompanied by Sherise and Steven's family. James was holding onto Sherise and Payson's hands and Eugene stood alone. Eugene was the first to say anything at all. "Are you ready?"

Steven replied with a sigh before he could create any words. "Patriot is ready. That's what matters."

The only words Payson could muster were negative. She wanted to tell Steven to stay, that he couldn't go. She wanted to cry her face off and her current hormonal state didn't help her maintain her composure. Payson could feel James squeezing her hand and when she looked at her son, the smile on his face gave her enough strength to keep herself from falling apart.

"I don't know exactly what Patriot has planned. But if he's got the army backing him like he says he does, he's got more firepower than I do." Steven was done with the suit. All that remained were the goodbyes he needed to say. When Steven looked at Sherise, he recognized a deep sadness that he couldn't understand. Before he could ask Sherise what was bothering her, Payson had ambushed him.

With her arms wrapped around Steven, the only reason she wasn't crying now was clinging to the back of her legs as James joined the family hug. Steven laughed and smiled despite the somber circumstances. "I won't be gone for long, I promise!"

"I know you won't! You're going to stop the bad guy, right dad?"

Steven positioned himself between Paysons arms so he could pick his son up with one arm. "You know it little buddy. One more fight then I'll be home for good." Steven could feel Payson squeeze a little harder when he spoke. She thought she knew what was at stake and felt greedy for not being able to just let Steven leave for a short time, for the good of their family.

Sherise turned to leave but Eugene grabbed her arm. Instead of feeling like flying away, Sherise suddenly felt grounded. Eugene had replaced James's hand and gave Sherise something strong to hang onto during this emotionally trying time.

"You have to come back to me." Payson's voice cracked and sounded weak as she spoke to Steven. She was so quiet that even James was unable to hear her and aside from Steven, James was the next closest person in proximity to Payson.

Stalphos Saga (Book Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora