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Hi, I am Kim Taylor, 17 years of age. I was 14 years old when my parents vanished in a secret city which is commonly called, "The Ghost Town". I'm an aggressive girl and a risk taker, and that made me decide to go to the so called "ghost town" to return with my parents. I've been planning for years but my sister forbids me to do what I plan because behind those, lies danger.

My sister, Alex Taylor, 19 years old, is a fashionista and a caring sister. She is my best friend. She has a passion for art. A little exasperating, but still, sweet. We always bond together but sometimes, we fight over food. We can relate to each other. In school, problems, situations, and even in the things we do.

My parents are scientists. Unpopular yes, but very clever if I do say so myself. In fact, they're the cleverest in their group. They always look for undiscovered specimens in unknown places. They travel for days, weeks and even for months. That is also their way to spend time together. And when the trip is adventurous, they bring me with Alex.

My mom is very sweet. She teaches us with our homeworks. She never forgets her family no matter what situation she's in. She knows what's best for my sister and I.

My dad, he is the funniest man in the world! He makes us laugh when we're sad. He gives us everything we need. He will do anything and sacrifice everything he had just for us not to be hurt.

My parents chose to live in a small town. They said it would be better if we're not overexposed. Accidents occur rarely in this town. They memorize the paths in this city. You will never find thieves, killers, gangs, sororities and fraternities and etc. living in the town, unless they pass by. My parents want us safe from bad things that may occur in the city.

I love my family a lot. They are the best people to have fun with. They know how to handle us. We always care for each other. We know each other well. We always open up and pray together. That's why I care for them.

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