Getting Jelous

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Newt's P.O.V
It's that time of the month again where another greenie comes up in the box. I was in the garden when I saw Y/N. She's just so bloody beautiful I thought. The way the wind blows her hair around and... Ah Why am I thinking about Y/N she's to busy hanging around with Minho but that's only because she's a runner. I heard the screeching sound of metal... The box. I slowly made my way over as I watched Minho and Y/N joking around together. I was furious I looked in the box once it opened and saw a... Girl! There's another girl! She woke up and started screaming. I jumped down and walked slowly towards her
"hello love, I'm newt"
She smiled a bit and said "Teresa"
I looked over and saw Newt and this Teresa girl talking. I always had a crush on Newt so I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I tried to move on from Newt by hanging out with Minho, Thomas, Chuck, and even sometimes Gally! But Newt was always on my mind. I told Minho I needed some time alone to think,
"You sure I cant come with?"  Minho replied
"No it's fine i need time to think."
I walked off upset because Newt called Teresa Love, that was his nickname for me I had since the first time he saw me. Or does he just say that to every new girl he meets? What am I thinking Newt obviously didn't like me so why do I care?
Minho P.O.V
I saw Y/N walk away and couldn't help follow her. I was following her for quite some time till I stepped on a stick and blew my cover. She turned around quickly and sighed in relief.
"I thought you were a crank."
"What you know that's only if you get stung right?" I said
"Yeah it's just what happened to Ben still haunts me." She said
"Well you don't need to worry." I couldn't help but notice she was upset
"You okay?" I said
"Yeah I'm fine." She said
"Okay but if you need anything let me know." I gave her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiled and I walked off.
I sat down but only for awhile till I turned around and saw Newt standing over me.
"Hello Newt."
"What the bloody hell was that about?" He said obviously upset
"What do you mean?" I said not knowing what he was talking about.
"Minho just kissed you!" He said madly
"Oh that was just a friendly kiss on the cheek."
"Don't lie to me love!" He said teary eyed
"Newt, me and Minho are just friends!" I yelled
Then he broke down and started to cry.
"Newt what's wrong?"
"Y/N I love you! And seeing Minho kiss you like that I don't know just made me I don't know-" I could tell this was getting nowhere so I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. When we broke apart he starred at me with a big grin.
"I love you too Newt."

The Maze Runner ImagesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora