Brotherly Rivals Mikoshiba Seijuurou x Nishikino Maki x Mikoshiba Momotarou

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It was the opening of ITSCR,Iwatobi Swim Club Returns and Haruka and the others decided to all meet up there

Rin came along with Mikoshiba Seijuurou,Mikoshiba Momotarou,Nitori Aiichirou and Yamazaki Sousuke

Haruka came along with Ryugazaki Rei,Tachibana Makoto and Nagisa Hazuki and Matsuoka Gou

And a special someone came too,Nishikino Maki,she's friends with all of them,she used to be their senpai but now she's in College

"Maki-chan!"At the exact same time both Brothers,Mikoshiba Seijuurou and Mikoshiba Momotarou shouted in glee

As they both stared at each other in shock it only took seconds until they started fighting with each other

"What do you mean Maki-chan?!Maki-chan's mine!"Seijuurou shouted at Momotarou

"She's mine not yours!"Momotarou retorted back

"We're the same age!She's in College just like me!Unlike you who's 3 Years younger than her!"Seijuurou retorted

"Age doesn't matter!Because I love Maki-chan!"Momotarou declared

"Well I loved her first!"Seijuurou declared back

"Whoa,Whoa calm down"Rin said as he chuckled hanging his arm around Maki

"Captain,I long knew that you like Maki-chan but Momo?I thought you liked my sister,Gou?"Rin asked

"I've actually known Maki-senpai before I knew of Gou too..."Momotarou said

"Wow....Goodluck with that,Maki-chan you've got the troublesome Mikoshiba Brothers crazy for you!"Sousuke chuckled

"Mou..."Maki pouted

"That's a surprise,you don't have a Live Show today?"Makoto asked

"Yup!Good thing it was today though!My schedule was packed for the next 5 Days"Maki sighed

"You should swim sometime"Haruka adviced

"Yeah,Sure!I'll come visit Iwatobi,then we can swim together!"Maki beamed

"It's open anytime"Haruka said

"Makiiiii-chan"Came Nagisa as he hugged Maki in a bear style almost dragging her down

"Calm down,Nagisa"Maki chuckled as soon as Nagisa got off of her

"We missed you!You rarely visit us too!"Nagisa pouted

"Well I'm sorry,I just have a lot to do"Maki said

"Maki-kun"Rei said pushing his glasses up

"Oh,Rei!"Maki smiled at Rei

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