Chapter 2: Zander

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I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness-Aldo Leopold

"Prince Zander, you've got to be more careful. You can't talk to her yet until you Turn her." Madeline, the one taking care of my future bride, says.

"Don't tell me what to do. I'll decide what I can do and what I can't do with her. All you need to do is watch her for me." I say through gritted teeth

"Okay, your highness. But if she sees you, you know what's going to happen."

"I know, Madeline. I'm making sure she doesn't see me."

"Alright, be careful. If you don't, every single vampire will be after her." She eyes me warily.

"I will." And just like that, Airis opens the door and I'm the first person she sees. Oh, crap. The plan is ruined. Madeline gives me a glare and looks straight at my princess.

"You! I knew it was your voice! Why are you here? And what's going on?!" She yells.

"Now, princess-"

"Who the heck are you calling princess?! I don't know you! You're a freaky crazy pedophile who likes to go into 17-year-old girls' rooms and stalk them at night!" She shouts. This girl is really feisty. I sort of like it. But I can't allow it.

"Watch who you're talking to. I won't hesitate to put you in your place." I threaten.

"And I won't hesitate to hit you where it hurts." She glares at me and clenches her fists. "Now would you mind telling me who you are before I kick your butt?"

"You definitely have a sailor's mouth, my love."

"I know and I'm not your love, now answer my question." If I tell her, the whole vampire community will know and they would want her. I've already put her in danger by her seeing me.

"I'm sorry. If I tell you, you'd be in danger. You're already in much danger just by seeing my face. You'll know soon enough."

"So why'd you come? Why did you come in last night and stalk me? I don't even know your name. Why won't you leave?" She says, her bright stormy blue eyes blazing with anger. She really thinks I'm going to leave her alone after this? I can't. She's already in enough danger as it is. And who could ever want to leave her alone? She's too captivating. With that black hair and bright blue eyes. Those luscious pink lips and her perfect body.

"You will call me Zander." I smirk and I take a step towards her. "You will know about me soon enough." I walk past her and she grabs my wrist. Sparks ignite throughout my body, making me turn around and face her once more.

"You are not going to leave until I have more answers." She glares at me and her grip tightens.

"I said, you will know soon enough. Now, goodbye." I rip my wrist from her grasp and head out of the door.


"Welcome back, your highness." Jesse greets me.

"Jesse, we are best friends. You know you can call me Zander." I sigh and head to my throne.

"I cannot possibly do that, sir. Your parents are here and I do not want to be disrespectful." He mocks my mother and starts to grin. "Welcome back."

"It's certainly good to be back." I pat him on the back.

"You smell like a human. I take it that she saw you?" I totally forgot that I smelled like Tempest from when she touched me.

"Yeah, she did. Now I've got to have an even closer eye on her. Jesse, pull up the video map and show me Airis." I order.

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