Part 1

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Originally, this was supposed to be a one chapter story, but it expanded a bit, so I'll post it in three parts.  It's rated R for strong language, sexual situations, and brief mentioning of an illegal (well, sometimes) substance.  If you're under 18, you probably shouldn't read this, but if I were under 18, I doubt I'd listen to me. 

Title inspired by the song Sara Smile by Hall & Oates, which you'll find to the right.  Hope you like!

You ever paused and took a look at the life you've led thus far, and wished that there was a special remote with a rewind button on it? That was the way I felt while I stood on the quiet roof of a nightclub busy on a Saturday night. Twenty-seven years old, and I hadn't done much with the life my beloved parents gave me. Looking back, I could barely remember any accomplishments to be proud of.

Hands on the ledge, I gazed toward the dark alley below, spotting nothing but a dumpster, which I fully intended to join within the next five minutes. Cynicism racing through my veins, my hold on the ledge tightened. Fuck it. Fuck it all. I didn't care anymore, because it seemed that the harder I tried, the less I succeeded. So, perhaps I wouldn't fail at this. No, I definitely wouldn't fail. All I had to do was hop onto that ledge, spread my arms at my sides, let go and allow gravity to do its job. Simple enough.

Bending over, I grabbed a brown bottle, quickly draining the bitter liquid remaining within. Arm pulled back like I was on a baseball field, I tossed the emptied bottle, watching as it sailed toward the ground, shattering upon contact. I was unable to count any of the pieces as I was too far up.

I've heard that suicide is the coward's way out. Well, just consider me, Haley Alexandria Castle, a certified coward. I'd been on this damn planet twenty-seven years, and I was sick and tired of it. Patting the cell in the back pocket of my jeans, I thought about leaving someone a digital suicide note, but decided it against it. I couldn't think of anyone I wanted to email it to nor what to say to them.

Hey, you. Sorry I offed myself. Was too tired of being smacked around by this crapstastic existence referred to as my life. Yo, do me a favor alright? Could you make sure I'm cremated, as I'm too claustrophobic for a coffin? Thanks. You're a peach. Take good care.

Love always deceased as you read this,


I sighed. Might as well get along with it. With a bit of effort, I carefully stood up on the ledge, feet about a foot apart. Feeling a little dizzy, I shut my eyes, opening them upon hearing someone softly clearing their throat. Looking downward, I spotted a woman standing to the left of me, her arms casually folded along the ledge as she sent me the warmest smile. I didn't believe in love at first sight, but I instantly fell in love with the smile on that gorgeous face.

"Evening," she greeted in a quiet voice, sounding quite calm for someone who had just discovered a person standing on the ledge of a building. "Seems we had the same idea." She used a hand to fan herself. "It was hot...stuffy in there. I needed some fresh air too."

I raised an eyebrow. Fresh air? Seriously? Yo, sexy lady, I'm standing on the ledge. If I leaned forward a bit, I'd qualify for an obituary! I decided not to comment. Just stuffed my hands into the side pockets of my jeans and stared at her.

"What's your name?" she asked as though our meeting were taking place at the bar instead of on the roof.


"Nice to meet you, Haley." That smile appearing to grow warmer, she offered her hand as if she wanted to shake my own. "I'm Sara."

"Hi, Sara." Suddenly having her number, I neglected to shake her hand. Miss Calm, Cool and Collected wasn't fooling me. If I wrapped my hand around hers, she would undoubtedly tug me back to safety. I felt guilty knowing that she might have to watch me jump, but my mind was made up. I had zero intention of viewing another sunrise.

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