Chapter 1

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*Alex's POV*

I heard the dreaded laugh of Jerome Valeska every time I drifted off to sleep, I haven't slept in about three weeks and I'm absolutely sleep deprived. I heard the front door open and heard more then two pairs of feet walk in. I thought Theo probably just has work mates over or something, whatever his job is. I tried sleeping but I just heard the stupid, psychotic laugh that has kept me awake for so long.

*Time skip to cheer trip on the bus*

I hated the cheerleaders they always teased me about being sleep deprived but I learnt to ignore them but sometimes I wish they were all dead. And today I had to go on the cheer trip because everyone just hates me. I sat at the back alone listening to my favourite song 'Bonfire' by Slow Kids At Play. On repeat. I dozed off a little but I was greeted by that laugh, that stupid laugh that sounded like it was right in front of me. I heard screaming. My music suddenly stopped and I looked up to see a sociopathic red head smiling at me evilly. "Hey gorgeous, your coming with me," He laughed maniacally while grabbing my arm and pulling me to the front with him. He jumped around and said "Gimmie and O!" The cheerleaders just screamed. He pulled out his gun and shot the roof. "I said gimme and O," He was pacing up and down the bus now. "O." The cheerleaders spoke. "Gimmie an N!" He was still smiling. "N." They replied. "Gimmie another O!" He continued. "O." They said again. "What does that spell," He was back at the front and was handed a hose. "O no." He said with them as I was escorted off the bus while he sprayed the cheerleaders in what I guessed was gasoline. He jumped off the bus and yelled out "Light em' up," And with that the bus was set fire and so was the entire cheer team. Something gave me joy about this and I smiled, my smile quickly dropping as I soon realised I was kidnaped by the Arkham Asylum breakouts. GREAT.

*Author's Note* 

Hey so this is a short intro chapter. Like REALLY short. Sorry. 

Well anyway I would like some ideas please of what should happen to Alex. Please tell me if you like it and if I should continue. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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