Remember me?

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Hello, hello.  Most of you probably don't remember me anymore since I've been gone for so long XD But yeahhhh... I decided to hop on for a quick bit and decided "Why not give a bit of an update?"  So if you don't want to hear about my life, I suggest you leave now. 

So, first thing is first and probably the most common reason for people leaving is school.  I've been pretty busy with school and exams and all that fun stuff.  But, one extremely big reason for my absence was that my Father's health was declining and he has recently passed.  Last summer, a new tumor had formed in his brain, and of course, they immediately started a new treatment.  We were hopefully that the treatment would work, around the holidays last year they stopped working.  So, at that point there was nothing the doctors could possibly do to save his life.  His health declined a lot more rapidly than anyone expected and he sadly passed away a few weeks ago.  I'm simply happy that he is no longer in pain.

So yeah... There's my quick little update and I'm hoping I may be able to get back into the groove of Wattpad sometime soon, but at this point I'm unsure.  If you want to talk to me or anything, feel free to message me, but other than that, have a great day!

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