How I met Beck

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(I don't own these characters nor do I own victorious or Icarly.)


people always ask how I date Beck? People ask Beck why out of all the girls in holly wood arts he dates Jade? This is how Beck and I began, from the beginning.



I was 14 in 8th grade. I was actually very quiet as a child. Also I lived in Seattle most of my life. In fact my best friend growing up was Sam Puckett. I was very distant to most. I didn't really like to talk. I usually was very happy and full of life but there hasn't been a day of me thinking about my moms death. That was my middle school life. At home wasn't to much of a joy either. My mom was dead and my dad hated my dreams so he would always Shun me. On happier days I would go up to my room and sing to lots of karaoke tracks. I wanted to be a singer when I grew up. Or maybe even a director of a play. Yeah.... So that's the background information you need for this story. Oh, an there was this boy that I didn't have a crush on and did have a friendly relationship with but still got Butterfly's when I was around him.



Now I'll begin the story.

"Jade!", my dad shouted," your going to be late for school!" I loved waking up to his shouting.

"K, coming." I shouted back. I didn't want to go to school. At school they make us wear uniforms and the teachers are mad strict. As I put on my uniform an ran downstairs.

"I'm going now, k bye." I mumble to my dad and walked out the door. When the bus comes I get on. I sit in the very last seat in the back of the bus alone. I sit very close to the window an take out my pear-phone and began to listen to my favorite songs. When the bus stopped I was the last one off the bus. My friend Sam was waiting for me outside.

"Heyyy Jade!" Shouted Sam running towards me.

"Hey Sam. How was your morning?" I said.

"My mom just divorced her 3rd husband." She said as its nothing new. I'm in a better mood today than usual because its almost summer! Than after summer comes high school. I get to go to ridge way high school with Sam and not a lot of people want to go to ridge way witch means half of my grade won't be there.

"Come in Sam let's get into class." Then we walked into class together. I won't bore you with the whole class, I'll just skip to the last 5 minutes. The class was almost done and I had some papers to throw away so I got up to throw it away. I took out my phone to look if my dad texted me. I then stumble on my own feet and saw I was about to fall and I did. I fell right into Beck Oliver's arms. I was scared out of my poop because Beck was the guy I was talking about before. I did not know what to do so I just held on to him tighter and tighter and I started shaking. Then he tried to comfort me.



She look terrified. Shaking and gripping my arms so tight. I tried to comfort her, and I did for a while too. Then I got lost in her beautiful blue eyes. After a while I noticed she stopped shaking and we were both looking into each others eyes. With out my knowing I started to lean in and she followed. We got so close..... Then..... The bell rang. We stopped and started to walk away. I notice I never caught her name.

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