Chapter 2

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The next day 5:00 pm shadow was waiting for Amy and then she came with a hat,carrot,scarf,two lumps of coal,and two sticks.

Shadow:why did you bring all that stuff????

Amy:we are gonna build a snowman.

Shadow:oh um....okay.

After rolling the snowballs Amy put on the sticks and hat. Shadow did the rest of the things. Then they had a snowball fight which went Prefect for the most part. Sooner or later they made snow angles (they diden't know Rouge and Kunukles were watching them.) they stop to catch there breath of so much fun. Next they went ice skating. Amy was a prefect skater,but shadow was just getting started and fell.

Shadow:Amy alittle help here.

Amy:sorry shadow here let me help you,and to start off hold my hand.


Shadow tried not to blush. Then once he got the hang of it they started to skate together (and still Rouge and Kunukles spy on them.) after that they went home to Amy's house for rest.

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