Covers, blurbs, names, etc.

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Imagine you are scrolling through your feed searching for a new book when one of them grabs your attention. Have you noticed that it is the cover that grabs your attention? Or perhaps the name?
This is the first step to getting attention. You have to have some sort of attracting cover that could be colourful, photographic, or even with a person with an expression on their face! Anything. The way I see it- if you're proud of the cover, it will draw attention.

Now... the name. You could have a one liner, the main event or something completely random that makes sense to you but not the reader- unless they click on it.

Take one of my books for instance, 'The Hacker'. I had nooo idea what to name this book because there are several important characters but I based it on the plot of the story- the climax moreover. I have also learned that it's the blurb that really draws the reader. If you're doing paranormal, you need a formal blurb as if it's a diary or a documentary- to make it sound scarier.
A lot of people do teen fiction (I know I do!) and I have noticed that you have to be quite sarcastic, usually a first person and very... typical teenager language. Sassy. Yeah, that's the word. Be sassy.

Now that you know how to attract the readers attention- you need to keep their attention!

*Moving you onto the next chapter*

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