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Robin noticed that Regina started to yawn and her eyes where fluttering. He could tell she was trying so hard not to fall asleep. "Regina" he said softly and began stroking her hair. "Hm?" She looked up at him with her big tired brown eyes. "Why don't you stay the night. I'll set up the guest bedroom for you" he knew that she lived right down the hall but he really didn't want her to leave. "Okay" she yawned "I don't have any pyjamas though" she really would enjoy sleeping here. Knowing that someone was there with her was a nice feeling. She had been alone for a while now and sometimes had nightmares, so she had no one to go to for help, she had to deal with it and suck it up. "That's okay, I'll give you an old t shirt or something" she kissed him on the cheek "thank you." Robin got up from the couch and then helped her up. He lead the way to a small guess room that had a queen bed that was already made. And to Regina right now, it looked like the most comfortable thing in the world. "I'll go get you something to wear". He walked to his room and rummaged through his dresser until he found a shirt that didn't fit in anymore. When he walked back to her room she was already under the covers waiting for him. "Regina..." He sighed "your going to be a lot more comfortable if you change" she just groaned in response. He chuckled at how cute she was and sat down on the bed next to her. He kissed her on the cheek. "I'll leave the shirt here if you want to change. I'm gonna go to bed now and I'll see you in the morning, okay?" When she hummed in response Robin left the room after placing one last kiss on her temple and saying goodnight.
A few minutes after he left, Regina got uncomfortable so she changed into the oversized shirt that Robin gave her. He didn't really give her any shorts though...but since they where in separate rooms and this shirt was like a dress on her she just took off her jeans.
She was finally able to fall asleep in the comfort of the duvet and the warming scent of his shirt. It smelt like forest, and she liked that.
"Louder Regina!" Her mother screamed at her. "You are going to look like a complete idiot in front of your entire school because no one will be able to hear you!" She screamed even louder. There where already tears streaming down Regina's  face, but she had to choke down her sobs so she would sing loud and clear for her mother. "I'm trying" her voice was so weak, and she didn't think she could do it any longer. They had been at this since 9:00am and it was now 11:00pm. Regina was exhausted, and to her, her mother seemed to be enjoying all this pain she was going through. "Well try harder!" Her mother took a microphone that was in the little studio they had set up and swung it at her, right across her lip. It started to bleed but of coarse her mother didn't care. "Sing Regina!" She yelled and pushed her against a wall. Regina was crying so loud but no one heard a thing. It was like she was drowning. She had to keep singing.
Regina jolted awake and felt sweat all over her body. It was just a dream she sighed. Then she looked at the clock on the bedside table. 3:00am. She got out from underneath the covers and started to pace around the room. That awful memory...she's had this nightmare before and she hated it. She wanted to forget about it so bad and just make all the pain go away, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried to cover up that scar on her lip it would still be shown, and she'd be reminded of her mother every time she looked in the mirror.

Robin heard a faint knock at his door and just assumed it was Roland. But when the door was opened he saw Regina and she sounded like she was sniffling. He instantly sat up in his bed. "Regina what's the matter love?" He gestured her over and she sat on the edge of the bed. Robin got up and turned the lights on. "You okay?" He knelt down in front of her and rubbed circles over her hands with his thumbs. "I'm fine, it's know how you asked how I learned to sing..." He nodded his head yes in response. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to" by now, Regina had stopped crying. It amazed her how easy it was for him to make her feel better. "No, I need to. It'll make me feel better" there was a couple moments of silence that went by telling Regina that she could go on with her story. "When I was around 16 my mother wanted me to start acting, dancing, and well, singing. So we started practicing. It started out a lot of fun and we even made our own little music room in our old house. But she started to take it too seriously." Regina started to get worked up again. "Hey hey, it's okay. Your here with me" Robin interrupted and sat on the bed next to her. He spoke so soft and kissed her cheek. He wanted to do anything he could to make her feel better. She was looking everywhere else in the room but at him. She took a deep breath and kept going. "One day I couldn't hit a she hit me with a microphone and that's how I got this" she pointed to the scars on her lip. "She did other things to when it came to other hobbies. And I had a nightmare about it tonight." She started sniffling again and Robin pulled her in his embrace. "You'll never have to deal with her again. And I'll be there for you. You don't have to be scared of her anymore okay?" Robin felt awful for her. She had to deal with this for basically her whole life. He couldn't imagine the terrible nightmares she would get, how could he blame her? He got up and Regina followed him towards the door. "Can I stay here?" She asked so quietly. She looked so vulnerable. "I wasn't going to ask you to do otherwise." He took her hand and tucked her into the covers now that she wasn't as hot. He got in the other side of the bed and she snuggled up to him with her back facing his stomach. He gently wrapped an arm around her slender waist. "Thank you" she whispered. "No need to thank me" she buried herself deeper into the covers and was soon sound asleep.
Regina had a tougher life than he thought, all that plus no father to support her? But she looked like such a strong, confident women on the outside. Robin couldn't help but notice that she didn't have any pants on and his face grew hot. But he told him self to put those feelings aside to make sure that she was okay. After watching her sleep for a couple of minutes to ensure that no more nightmares came around, he fell asleep. He wanted to be there for Regina, no matter what.
Robin woke up to Roland jumping on him and noticed that they were in the exact same position. "Shhhhh" he hushed his son "Gina's sleeping and she didn't have a very good sleep last night. So we need to let her rest" he whispered to him. Roland got off the bed and so did Robin. "Sorry" Robin picked him up. "That's okay, let's go make some breakfast for everyone" they headed downstairs but they didn't know that Regina was already up and heard them. She remembered what happened last night and she felt like an idiot. In her mind she looked weak and vulnerable to him. And no man would want that in a woman. He was probably going to break up with her. And even worst, she slept with him and she had no pants on. She got up and changed into her clothes from yesterday. She walked back into Robins bathroom and saw that her eye makeup was all smudged from crying. She quickly splashed some cold water on her face and felt ten times better. Feeling okay with the way she looked and sucking up the fact that Robin was most likely going to break up with her, she walked downstairs to see the boys making pancakes together. It was the most adorable thing she's ever seen. Roland had his tongue sticking out as he was trying to mix the batter and Robin was dumping all the ingredients into the bowl. "Hey" Robin walked over to her once she came down the stairs. He wrapped his hands around her waist and hugged her tight. She was surprised by his action but obviously hugged him back. And she certainly did not want to let go. "How are you?" He mumbled into her ear. "I'm better" and she honestly was. That's the first time she had someone there to comfort her when something bad happened. Robin pulled away from their hug "I'm glad. We were going to make breakfast in bed for you but it seems your awake. So do you want to help us? Or just watch some TV and we'll bring it to you?" How could Regina pass up this bonding moment with them "I want to help" she walked towards the kitchen to find Roland with batter all over his hands and some on his face. "Morning Gina!" He smiled. "Hey Roland! Can I help you guys?" She was going to help, but with little kids it's always better to ask first. "Yeah! You can be the flipper." He pointed to the pan on the stove. "Okay" she ruffles his hair as she walked passed him to the stove. Robin followed and continued to help Roland mix. Once they were done, Robin put portions of the batter in the pan and Regina was left to flip them. She wanted to make them perfect and see if she could impress Roland. Because every kid loves pancakes so if you screw them up, the kid won't be very happy with you. "Okay Roland they'll be done soon, you can go play" Robin helped him off his stool and he ran off. As Regina was very concentrated in flipping the pancakes perfectly, Robin stuck some of the batter on her nose with his finger. "Hey! I'm gonna get you back for that!" She giggled and ran over to the bowl of pancake mix. She dipped her finger in it and chased Robin around the kitchen. To his surprise, she was very fast and caught him. She got it right on his lips. "There, I'm happy now" she gave him a content smile. "I would get this off, but he rag is all the way over there" he sighed "I might be able to help with that" she stepped closer to him and kissed the batter off his lips. She pulled away and licked her lips before saying "I think you put too much sugar" she walked back and flipped the rest of the pancakes. "Nope I'm just that sweet" Robin joked and she turned to playfully swat him in the arm.
Breakfast was soon ready and they all gobbled the food up fast. Regina wanted to do this more often. And it still amazed the both Robin and Regina that they had a new relationship. They still had to get used to calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. But they didn't mind.

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