a girl going to an all boys vampire boarding school - Part 10

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Sky and Lacey were on either side of me, both holding my hands.

I breathed in and out trying to get ride of the irrupting darkness in the pit of my stomach,

When something Sky said clicked, I am not human?

They opened the doors and everyone went silent, and I just laughed so hard I cried, once my little break down of laughter started to settle down I realized everyone was looking at me like I had seven heads.

Lacey whispered "What the hell is so funny?"

I just thought in my head 'Tell you later.'

She nodded and we continued walking,

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly hoping they wouldn't be tense and prepared for a fight.

No one answered.

I wanted to break the silence so I looked up from the ground to see we were heading to a table of four people, one more girl and three extremely gifted looking boys.

Lacey smiled, I thought 'I saw that' and she just smiled even wider.

I noticed in from the corner of my eyes, my roommates, heading this way.

"Sky!" I whispered urgently, he looked at me confused then past me and noticed what I was scared about.

"Lacey get her to the table now!" Skyler said with confidence.

She nodded and walked faster towards the table -all the people at the table were alert and tense.

Great I thought, I don't want a fight, I don't want Skyler or Jace getting hurt.

Skyler was like the one, the one I was born to be with.

But Jace, was adventurous and romantic and lovable but also terrifying, he was dangerous.

We reached the table and everyone looked at me,

"Everyone this is Hazel," Lacey said unfocused, she seemed to be listening to someone or something; I was guessing she was listening to Skyler's conversation.

"So you're his soul mate?" one of the guys asked in an Irish accent,

I nodded and blushed and looking toward the floor.

When I looked up everyone seemed to focusing on the conversation that Sky and Jace appeared to be happening. I thought they were just having a mature, adult conversation when Jace pushed Skyler and they started growling, Lacey's grip on my arm tightened but I ran, her being surprised was my chance, I slipped out of her grip and ran towards the two guys.

"Hazel!" She yelled sounding worried and surprised.

Skyler and Jace stopped what ever they were doing to look at what made Lacey yell 'Hazel' and they noticed me running towards them and took a step toward me.

I stopped in front of them, not running to either one of them,

I was so mad, I am so sick of people seriously fighting over the smallest of things, I have no family but you don't hear me starting an argument or crying every second of the day, yes I am depressed and alone but I hide that from everyone, the whole world including me.

"Just stop it!" I yelled with tears already forming. They seemed surprised at my choice of words and both took another step toward me and then scowled at each other.

"I have no one in my life, no one! I have no family! No mother! No father! And you two fight over something as little as me, if you wanted to hurt me you are doing a good job at it, just shut up and stop fighting!" I cried and turned around and headed towards the front of the school ignoring the sympathy stares from everyone and ignoring my name being called.

I didn't run, I walked and I headed towards the oval again, knowing there were woods right next to it.

I walked and walked until I couldn't breathe any more I had opened up a wound in my heart, and for the first time I was going to let it all out.

I screamed, cried and punched and kicked things for over twenty minutes, until it had turn to loud sobs, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see either from the tears falling down my face.

I heard what sounded like a branch snapping and started running, not wanting to see anyone or be seen by anyone looking like this.

I ran for a good five minutes a sprinting pace and finally slowed down puffing.

"Miss?" A males voice with a thick accent came from somewhere in the forest.

"Miss my name is Jamie, Are you okay? I am not here to harm you, I was just out here hunting when I heard you crying." He said sounding understanding.

"Yes I am fine and I am sorry you had to witness that, my name is Hazel," I said, it came out croaky from my now sore throat.

I turned around to see the man named Jamie and saw a tanned god, with sleek black hair and red eyes with blue rim around them, he was more beautiful then Jace or Skyler, and he seemed to look like a god, all the girls back home would kill to be so much as three meters of him, literally.

Oh man why can't men leave me alone? First Jace then Skyler and now this guy named Jamie, if he wasn't so nice I would've said leave me alone but I just smiled at him. This was going to be a very long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2009 ⏰

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