Deep Into the Dark Past

152 9 13

Rated PG-13 for violence and graphic content (blood).

Update: 9/13/2014 - In Editing.

I grabbed the handles of the bike and took off. This was my first day of school, and I really wondered what school was like. My name is Mariah Springfield, and I have never been to school before. I biked down the lane, eager to arrive at the academy and get assigned to my classes. I closed in on the tall building, surrounded by gates, and held my acceptance letter up to the camera above the gates eagerly. When given the clear, the gates opened. I set my bike aside when entering, and walked down the grand pathway leading over to the academy’s front gates. A plaque at the front of the school read Academia Silverstein, and I entered into the main building. A guard was waiting for me once I pushed the door open into the main building. Up to this date, I have always been homeschooled, so school and social life was completely new to me.

            The guard took me through the school, and I pretty much wanted to stop and inspect everything, but there was no possible way that I could ever do that. He was just walking… so fast. I tried to keep up as best I could, trying to trace his footsteps as he strides along the hallway. It definitely wasn’t easy. Why did these people walk so fast? Regardless, we were soon approaching the office.

            He entered, then I did, and when I entered, I was greeted with an office full of rich velvet. The table was made of mahogany, and everything had a classic European style feeling to it.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” a man that must be the principal asked.

A guard promptly walked up to me and handed me a uniform. He gestured me to an adjacent room and I quickly entered, shutting the door. I inspected the uniform, which had a preppy look to it, but that didn’t matter. I finally got my chance to go to school! And even a boarding school, while we’re at it. Anyway, I pulled my clothing off, not really caring if there was a security camera in the room, which I think there may have been, but I don’t think there were any. If there were, I was just going to hope that no one was going to watch it, or tell me that they did, or worst of all, post it to the public. That would just be bad news.

I walked out after I finished changing, which my old clothes somehow disappeared. I decided not to question it; perhaps I’d get my questions answered in a minute. The principal guided me to an adjacent room, where he gestured to a couch on one side of the coffee table. He served tea and sat down. He offered me tea, and I knew that it was impolite to decline, so I took it and added about 10 sugar cubes to it. I don’t like tea unsweetened. The sweeter it is, the better. And tea really never can get too sweet. I’m drinking this cup of tea where there’s pretty much more sugar than tea. Wow. Anyway, I looked up after a sip to see the principal staring at me. When he noticed that I had looked up, he started,

“Welcome to Academia Silverstein, Miss Mariah Springfield,” he said.

I nodded my head. This wasn’t anything new, being welcomed like this by the director… right?

“Now…” he said. “This isn’t a normal school. It’s a school for… Specials.”

That got me interested, so I asked “What kind of Specials?”

“Say… magic abilities, which is what Normals would call them, like teleportation, mind-reading, I think those are the most common ones.”

“Which is the rarest?” I asked, intrigued.

“Time travelling is the rarest. Only one documented person is known to have it, and she has escaped into the future.”

“Then what do I have?” I asked, hoping I had one of the rarer ones, maybe even time travelling.

Deep Into the Dark PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz