A New Friend

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We walked into the cafeteria and thankfully the guys were there,too. It's so totally annoying to introduce people again.

Ahsingtan was following slowly behind me. Finally, we were at The It Clique's table. Tiffany noticed me then Ahsingtan. She looked questionably at Ahsingtan.

"Like who is that?" Tiffany asked.

"Ahsingtan Czako." I told her.

"Hello." Ahsingtan said shyly.

Everyone said hey.

I stepped behind Tiffany and went down the line," This is Tiffany, Kina, Ashley, Sheena, Chad, Jake, Johnny, and my boyfriend Taylor."

After I was finished Tiffany said,"Koriee, darling, we need to like talk in private. Well, Kina, Sheena, and Ashley can come too."

We followed her until we were far enough away. Then Tiffany began talking.

"Koriee, what are you thinking? Ok, I like know you want her in the group and all. But I'm gonna have to say no. Just look at her, she's clearly a goody goody."

"You don't even know her. Give her a chance. Just for a week. If you still don't like her, then you don't have to deal with her anymore." I said.

"Ok, I know like that you're gonna like probably bitch and bitch about it until I say yes, so fine, ok, like whatever. She can stay in the group for a week. But I'm telling you right now that it's probably like most likely not going to happen. So, don't get your hopes up, honey." Tiffany told me.

"Ok. I'm just glad you're going to give her a chance."

"Um. Yeah. Whatever." Tiffany murmured.

"You're such a bitch, Tiffany." Sheena said.

"Shut up, Midget." Tiffany replied.

"No, I wont," Sheena went up in Tiffany's face and screamed,"Blah! Blah! Blah! Bitch!"

"Get the f*ck out of my face!" Tiffany shouted at Sheena and pushed her.

Then the fight was on.

Sheena grabbed a fistful of Tiffany's long straightened blonde hair and pushed her into a table. Tiffany fell to the floor, dragging Sheena with her.

A crowd of people surrounded the fight. I ran up to get a better view. So did the rest of The It Clique.

I looked up to see Sheena and Tiffany clawing at each other's hair. Somehow, Sheena kicked Tiffany in the stomach causing Tiffany to release her hands from Sheena's hair and cry out in pain. Sheena pulled Tiffany up by her hair and slammed her against the wall hard. Tiffany grabbed a hold to Sheena's hair again. They fell to the floor again and Sheena punched Tiffany in the back of her head like three times in a row.

Finally, teachers came rushing in and pulled them off of each other. I watched them both try to escape the grips that the teachers had on them to try to get each other again. Then they were hauled to the office.

The cluster of people dissipated and the bell rang. I headed to World Geo. replaying the scene between Sheena and Tiffany over again in my head.

I can't believe Sheena got so mad over something so stupid. Ashley made comments about Sheena's size all the time and she didn't go around fighting her. Well, then again, this is Tiffany we're talking about. I'd want to beat the shit out of her too if I was Sheena.

Suddenly I found someone tapping my shoulder causing me to jump.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you." Ahsingtan said.

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