Chapter 25

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When I wake up I immediately take in a huge breath of air, as if I've just been underwater. I sit up and groan in pain. My whole body is sore. When I look around me I realize I'm in a room. But not a room in the house we were in, I'm somewhere different.

I slowly push myself up and walk over towards the window. I look out and see an ocean with palm tree's everywhere. Ok so we're still in California just a different house. We probably had to move because the crash brought to much attention to us.

I'm guessing my surgery went well since I'm still alive and breathing. As I look around my body I see stitches everywhere. The doctor probably sewed up all the cuts the boys have left on my body, how nice.

I run over my stomach and see stitches leading up my side. Damn I was pretty beat up. I go into the bathroom and see a note on the counter.


Happy to see that you can walk on your own. I know you probably have tons of questions and we'll be happy to answer them when you come downstairs. You can take 2 pills from the container near the sink and don't take a shower yet because some of your cuts still need to heal.


I place the note back down next to me and open the bottle. I grab 2 pills and pop them into my mouth. I pull my hair back into a ponytail before turning and walking back out of the bathroom.

I walk through my room and then to the door. I take a deep breath before slowly opening it. When I open it I find the boys to be laying all over the hallway. When they see me they all stand and I smile lightly at them.

"What are you all doing on the floor?" I laugh. All their hair is flat meaning they probably sleep on the floor last night as well.

"We told you we'd be right out here when you were done." Louis smiles causing me to tear up and pull him quickly into a hug. I hold onto him tightly as I try to hold back my tears.

When I pull away from him I wipe under my eyes to get the tears away. Why am I crying? I'm not hurt or sad I shouldn't be crying. All the boys stare cautiously at me, like I might explode any second. I'm used to them looking at me like this.

"How do you feel?" Niall asks. I look over at him and shrug.

"Ok I guess. I'm kinda sore." I say stretching my back. They all nod and then we all just stand there looking at each other. They're acting weird, like they're waiting for me to say something.

As I scan their faces I noticed some boys are missing. Like Harry, Liam, Luke, Ashton, Zayn and Sam.

"Where are the other boys?" I ask. They look at each other nervously before turning back towards me.

"Out." Niall says causing Louis to hit him in the stomach.

"They're gone out for a bit but they'll be back soon." Louis nods towards me. They're acting strange. I just shrug it off and start walking past them and towards the stairs. I get to the stairs and lean most of my weight against the railing as I slowly walk down the stairs.

I make my way to the kitchen with all the boys following behind me. I'm starving. As I hobble to the kitchen some of the boys run ahead of me and start shuffling around.

"You sit, we'll make you something to eat." Niall says pulling a stool out for me to sit on around the island. I smile at him and sit. I love how sweet they are being. Hopefully it will last. As they're making the food I hear the front door open.

I turn towards it and groan as I turn my side. I grab my side and the boys look at me worriedly. I wave them off and straighten up. Don't get me wrong I love how they're showing concern for me but I don't like how they're looking at me as if I'm weak.

When I look towards the door I see the rest of the missing boys walk in but Harry and Liam are dragging Sam in. I push myself up and start moving towards them.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly. They all look over at me almost shocked. Sam limply smiles at me before his head drops forward again.

"He got in a car accident." Zayn says rudely. I give him a dirty look before looking back over at Harry.

"He got taken to the hospital accidentally, but luckily we got him back before they took any blood or found out who he was." Harry says setting Sam down on the couch. When Harry sets Sam down he turns and walks over to me.

He stands close to me as the other boys walk away and into the kitchen. I look him over and see he has some stitches on the side of his face and his hand is wrapped up. He looks pretty beat up but his eyes still shine brightly at me.

"How are you?" he asks me lowly, trying to make sure none of the boys hear him. He scans over my body looking for anything that should cause concern.

"I'm fine. How are you doing?" I question lifting up his arm to show the giant cut running across it, that has luckily been stitched up.

"I'm better now." He smiles putting his hand and on the side of my face pulling me closer to him. Our lips connect as he pulls me in for a kiss. Before anything more happens we separate at the sound of someone obnoxious cough.

I look over and see the boys start to laugh as Liam beats in his chest acting as if he's sick. He is sick, in the head.

I roll my eyes as Harry starts to laugh and I walk over to Sam who is laying across the couch. I knee next to the couch and wipe his hair out of his face. He opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Hola Riley." he laughs. He looks pretty beat up. He probably hasn't gotten any medical attention since the crash and he's probably in a ton of pain. My poor Sammy.

"Ciao Sam." I smile back at him. He grabs onto my hand and pulls me closer to him.

"Happy Birthday." he whispers to me. He says to quietly probably so the other boys don't hear and cause a scene. 

"Thank you." I smile kissing his head. He closes his eyes going to sleep so I place his hand back down on his chest before pushing myself up and walking back over to the island where Niall is placing a plate down.

"What were you and Samantha talking about." Liam laughs putting a piece of bacon in his mouth. 

"He was just wishing me.." I stop myself briefly realizing what I'm saying. "Good health." I smile quickly putting food into my mouth.

"He was wishing you good health?" Louis asks confused. I nod with my mouth full of food. They all look at each other confused and as if they don't believe me. 

"Wait what day is it?" Liam asks quickly. All the boys look at him confused as he looks around for a calendar.

"Um Friday." Luke shrugs.

"No you idiot like the number." he says rolling his eyes at Luke. I look around frantically hoping they don't find out its my birthday.

"Its the 21st of November." Harry says. Liam gasps and points his fork at me. I shake my head telling him to shut up but he just smiles evilly before opening his mouth.

"It's Riley's birthday." he screams. Everyone snaps their head towards me and I shrink back in my car. Fuck this day is going to be crazy.

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