Let Me Dream

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Today was Saturday and Link had not been feeling well at all. Christy had taken the kids on a trip and wouldn't be back for a couple of days. Lying in his bed was the only thing Link could do. This madness had been going on for what seemed like forever. He texted Rhett telling him that he wouldn't be able to make it to work today. All Link wanted to do was dream. Dream about what would happen if he ever found out what was missing. Hoping that what he could not find in the real world, he could find in the dream world.

Knock knock knock.

Link heard three raps on the front door, awakening him from his sleep. He got up from sleeping, slipped on some slippers, slumped down the stairs, and slowly answered the door. He smiled at the sight he saw. The tall, handsome, Rhett.
"Hey, Link. I brought you some tea because I know how you've been under a lot of stress lately."
Link smiled at the thought of his best friend caring for him in this time of need. He was so lucky to have Rhett.
"Come on in." Link invited Rhett in with a wave of his hand. The tall man had to duck a bit entering the house but was able to stand upright once he was in.
"So I know we have already gone through this but have you gotten any idea what you think is missing?" Rhett asked intently.
"No. I've decided to just sleep and dream. If I can't find it here, I must be able to find it there." Link answered.
Rhett stared at Link as he made some chamomile. He knew that chamomile helped you sleep so that is what he made.
They started discussing ideas for GMM but neither of them liked any of them. Rhett lied down on the couch, propping his head up under a pillow and turned on The Walking Dead because he knew that that was Links favorite show.
"Hey wait for me!" Link laughed and quickly scuttered out of the kitchen and into the living room. Rhett chuckled at the sight of Link in his sweatpants, tee, and slippers, holding his mug close, trying not to let it spill. Link set his tea ever so carefully down on a coaster and began stirring it briskly. Rhett watched him do this in wonderment. Link looked at Rhett and said, "Get your feet off the cushions, I just cleaned them."
Rhett quickly picked up his feet and sat upright.
"Uhh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." Link apologised.
"No, you're fine, I shouldn't have put my feet on the cushions." Rhett countermanded.
There they sat in awkward air as The Walking Dead presumed. Link stirred his tea continuously. They watched until Link broke the silence.
"How's Jessie and the boys?"
"They're doing alright." Link loved it when people said alright instead of okay, especially Rhett.
"Good." Link replied.
"Anyway, I should probably head back."
"Oh, alright. See you on the flip-flop."
Rhett paused mid-step. "What, was that?"
"I don't know. It just came to my mind. Sorry."
"Don't be." And with that, Rhett walked out the door, and drove away. Link finished up his tea and his episode, and went to bed.
He dreamt about running through a wooded area, trying to get out, seeing the end of the forest. He finally got out of the trees and fell, down, down into the deep sea, realising it was getting darker and darker the further he was falling. Looking around and seeing childhood memories of him and his best friend, Rhett. Hearing a voice that was almost too familiar to him,calling out,


It getting louder.


And louder!




"Rhett!" Link yelled, sitting upright instantly. He sat alone in the dark room. Or was he?
"Hello, Link. You rang?" Rhett was sitting in the corner.
"What am I doing here? The question is, what are you doing here?" Rhett reached above and pulled a string which turned on a blinding light, much lighter then a bedroom light. Link was no longer in the comfort of his own bed but in an interrogation room, sitting in a metal chair, with a straightjacket on. He wiggled around trying to get out but gave up after he knew it was useless to struggle.
Rhett stood up and began walking around, placing incomplete or unorganized things on the table in front of him. Rhett knew that this would be very difficult for Link, considering he was restricted. All Link did was stare down in defeat, for that was all he could do.
"What do all these things have in common, Link?" Rhett asked.
Link looked up. "What?"
"What do all these things have in common?" Rhett repeated.
"Um... I don't know." Link answered.
Rhett caved. "They are all from your past. Our past."

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