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"So how did it go?" Katie asked right as I opened the office door.

Turns out she was sitting by the door the whole time, listening to our conversation.

"I got the job my love." I giggled.

"You got the job?" She stood up, with her jaw dropped.

"Yes.. yes I did." I put my hands over my mouth, ignoring the fact I was blushing.

"No way! I get to see you every-" She covered her mouth realizing what she just had said "Never mind."

I knew exactly what she was going to say. But all I can think about is.. Does she like me?

"Your cute." I chuckled then made my way down the hallway, back to the front door "I better be on my way."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." She gleefully smiled.

"Of course." I opened the front door then raced to my dads truck. Ugh... I don't want to go.

It's almost like I was supposed to meet Katie. Not just for a job opportunity, but maybe for... love.


I got home as the sun settled, knowing my dad wasn't going to be to happy with me for being gone so long, I drove the truck to the side of the house and slowly crept out of it.

"Where were you!" I jumped, realizing my dad was standing behind me.

"I-I" Before I could finish, he slapped me across the face "Owe!"

"Don't do that again!" He yelled. That's when I noticed a beer bottle hidden behind his back. His eyes were solid red, and his voice sounded off.

"You can't hit me!" I spoke up, really mad at what he just had done.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He fierce-fully yelled. Before I knew it, I was lying on the ground, with my face buried in the dirt.

"Owe.. why.." My vision became very blury, the only thing I could see was small specks of light.

"You can come inside when you are ready to behave." He yelled before slamming the door behind him.

"Wait!" I tugged at a nearby branch, trying to stand up "P-Please don't leave me here!"

How old do you think I am? You can't just leave me outside all night just because I'm not behaving.

The rest of the night I lied dead and cold on the crispy ground. Alone, and afraid.

Why does life have to go so... Wrong. Good people get treated like crap, and bad people get honored for whatever the heck they do.


When I awoke the next morning, the sun seeped into my eyes, alarming me.

"Help!" I searched my location, trying to find someone near "Please help me!" I groaned.

That's when I noticed my throat was extremely dry, which made it so I couldn't speak clearly.

"Have you learned your lesson?" My dad burst open the back door, making his way my direction "Get ready, you have a lot to do today."

"Actually I do.. But it doesn't have anything to do with you." I stood up, staring him dead in the eye "I got a job."

The look on his face became bold when he heard the last sentence.

"Say that again."

I took a few steps closer to him "I got a JOB!"

"What!" He slapped me across the face "Not on my watch!"

If you slap me one more time, I swear this will be the last time you see the light of day... Or at least me.

"I'm sixteen! I can take care of myself!" I instantly snapped back while rubbing my swollen red cheek.

"What did you just say!" He stiffened his finger.

"Are you having troubles hearing today?" I eagerly cocked my neck "Because it sure seems like it." Before I knew it, I was once again eating dirt.

"Say it again! I dare you to." He stiffened his foot against the back of my head, not letting me stand up "Say it!" 

"I'm sorry!" 

After saying sorry, he released his foot from the back of my head, allowing me to stand up "Having a job will be good. I'll be able to pay for a lot of things." I shook my head, hoping he would agree.

"Isaac." He folded his arms "I'm going to give you one chance.. don't mess it up." He shoved his finger into my face.

"I won't! I promise." I agreed then skipped into the house.

Now I know why my mother left him.. he's nothing but trouble.

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