My Beginning

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Running through the bushes, I desperately sprinted to get away from the flames. The heat from that inferno had already started brandishing my flesh the branches on the trees hitting me relentlessly as I run through them. What am I running from?

I finally stop, breathing heavily when air refuse to come into my lungs, my shoulders shaking as I watch the flames engulf the mansion in a matter of seconds, almost as if it were nothing at all.

"Hey, you, What are you doing out here?" A voice reach my ears, gruff and low. I spin around, eyes wide and frightened out of my mind. He is holding onto a match.

That single match...

"I-I...What are you doing here?!" I retaliate in a shrill voice, eyes still on the match in his hands. Somehow to terrified to respond rationally.

The man laughs loudly, almost covering the crackling of flames behind us. "Well, me, I'm hunting some very dangerous vampires!" His knowing smile makes something stir in me, something I don't like.

"I see your a S.W.A.+CH user"  he says his eyes examining me thoroughly.

"I can take you away from this place. I can bring you to somewhere where you'd fit in. There are people like you out there."

His hand extend, a gesture I wasn't familiar with. I stare at that, then at the match in his other hand.

"People like me?" I repeat dumbly, stalling. He smiles again, expanding upon his point. "S.W.A.+CH. Academy, of course. Train to become a hunter." He walk closer to me. I stand my ground. Become a hunter? Why what did the vampires do to me? Why am I here?

I clasp his hand. I do not know why I did it, but I stare at our hands, entwined.

I guess I have nowhere to go, anyways.

He sees the expression on my face, before sighing. "Boy, what is your name?"

I stare at him blankly, at a loss.

Finally a familiar word returns to my mind. "I'm Able." I breathed, relaxing a little. I cannot remember anything else, but for now, it was enough. I am Able. "What's yours?" I ask, curiosity taking over better judgment.

"Me? My name is Yiliss Sitos. My younger brother owns AND runs the school I'll be sending you to." He sounds way too happy.

Almost as if he had been waiting for this moment to come.


Well there we have it...yep so yeah restarting this story again...third times a charm yeah~! Wish me luck also I'm stopping the


So yeah urp um still awkward ol me, uh credit to ErikaEvangeline who edited this for me :> tank you vary much :>

The other version is still up but this version is thee most updated and will be ongoing :>

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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