Chapter 12

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Molly's pov

I just realised I hugged Marcus....I just tried to ignore the fact of what happens and just turned to Maddie and gave her a huge hug

"I've missed you"

I said with tears rolling down my cheeks, after we separated from the hug she grabbed mine and Marcus' hand and pulled us down onto the sofa, I was sat in the middle of Maddie and Marcus, I felt a bit awkward but went along with it

"Why did Emilie leave?"

Maddie asked

"Caspar kissed a slutty girl so I slapped him and she was being nice to him after what he did so I reminded her what he did and she just packed and left"

I started crying again,

"sssh moll, let me get you some tissues"

Maddie got up and left me and Marcus sitting on the sofa, I hugged Marcus

"I'm sorry for what's happened Marcus, I hope we can be friends again like how we used to be"

I buried my head in his shoulders until Maddie came back

"I'm happy my bestfriend and boyfriend are friends again"

she said coming to give a group hug , I grabbed a tissue and wiped away my tears as soon as I did that I immediately went

"Wait, you two are finally dating???"

I said smiling at Marcus because he did what I asked, and that's all I ever wanted from him.

"So how did you two start going out?"

I asked. Maddie smiled at Marcus and said

"so after the fight that you and Marcus had I was comforting him due to the fact that he was so upset and I couldn't bare to see him like that so I urm I urm urm kissed him and after that we kinda got together so yeh that's our story"

I guess Marcus had gotten over me which is good

"Naww you to are so cute together"

I said as Alfie jumped over the top of the sofa and sat next to me

"what's up guys"

when he says that it sounds like wash up guys that's a funny thought ...

"Well Alfie em has left so I called Maddie and Marcus over here to help get her back here"

Alfie nodded

"we'll what do we say to Caspar when he wakes up and realises that Emilie's not here"

Maddie asked I thought about it and what Emilie said to me before she left

"we can't tell him why or where she is she asked me not to tell him because she's been through it once she can't go through it again"

everyone nodded.

10 hours later

Caspar's pov

I wake up with a throbbing headache ouch I look over to the bedside Cabernet expecting to see a glass of water and some tablets like paracetamol I guess em forgot. I got outta bed put some Trackies on and went to the kitchen. Maddie and Marcus were asleep on the sofas so where's Emilie? I got some tablets and walked into Molly and Alfie's room


she sat up she had been crying here eyes were all bloodshot

"why have you been crying"

she looked angry and upset


what the hell have I done oh crap where's my phone.

Maddie's pov

I heard Molly shouting WHY DON'T YOU ASK THE BLONDE ORANGE BIMBO YOU SNOGGED WHEN YOU WERE SMASHED shit why did she tell Caspar oh crap I got up and woke up Marcus by kissing his nose we both went to Molly's room. Molly was sat on the bed crying and mumbling to herself Alfie's arms were wrapped around her and he was trying to calm her down.

"moll what happened"

she didn't reply I decided to go see if Caspar would tell me I tried to open his door it was locked... Damn I decided to go to Starbucks I know everyone needs a coffee.

Once I got there I pulled out my phone sat down ordered then went straight to Skype I scrolled through em was online hmm I decided to video chat her i put my headphones in surprisingly she answered

"please don't talk to me I need Ben and Jerrys"


"em I know your upset but talk to me please come back I'm serious Molly won't stop crying neither will Caspar em it was just a drunken mistake Emilie please come back forgive Caspar , hug Molly, eat ice cream and piss about with me please em where are you"

she looked around

"urm I'm in Starbucks the one that's a ten minute walk from Alfie's sitting in booth 33"

she was sat 2 booths away from me I got up and went and sat next to her

"hey gurllll"

she looked at me and hugged me

"Moo why are you always right I'm gonna leave do you want a lift I'm gonna get everyone a coffee then go give moll a hug and forgive my Caspar"

I smiled I had gotten through to her.

Emilie's pov

Me and Maddie walk into the flat I went straight to Molly and Alfie's from

"curlyfry why are crying"

she looked up and jumped off the bed

"oh my god thank you for coming back I love you so much thank you cheese string"

she hugged me after about ten minutes of hugging I went to Caspar's room and knocked

"go away I don't want to let anyone see me upset I miss her I want to cuddle her I'm in love with Emilie but she's gone left me"

I tried to open the door

" cas open the door please baby I'm sorry I just over reacted I'm sorry Caspar please open the door I want a cuddle"

as soon as I said that the bedroom door flung open

"I'm so sorry em I really didn't mean to kiss that girl I was drunk but I'm really sorry I love toy so much"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled him he's like a big teddy bear my big teddy bear, cas looked at me and smiled

"your so pretty"

I blushed and he kissed my head

Caspar's pov

I'm so happy I got my Emilie back I love her so much i guess a lot happened this week and I still don't know how to cope with everything a couple nights back Emilie had told me her whole life story,best and worst memories and her and Molly meeting Marcus I owe him a lot if it weren't for him I wouldn't of met my girl and I know I'm known as the slut because I never settle with just one girl i used to have like a new girlfriend every week but that's all gonna change I love my boo for who she is.

A/N------ Emily wrote this chapter as I'm struggling with what will happen next ? Message me your ideas? Would love to hear what you want to happen next, thank you for reading my story I didn't expect 1.1K READS!! but I appreciate it so much <3 -- Shoutout to my sister Emily in this chapter ! @BennionEmily tanks for giving me ideas xxxxxx

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