The same

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Today was a nice, calm Friday. It was the first week back. Father and mother made me come back. It feels weird to come back. "Oy! Malfoy!" Yelled a voice that was so familiar, but i forgot he even came back.
"What, Potter?" I asked coldly. I wasn't mad at him, or anybody, but myself, but it came out coldly.
"I wanted to apologise for thinking you were a death eater. Since Voldemort's down- oh, shut up, he's dead!" Snapped Harry. "Sorry. I accept your apology. Let's start over. I'm Draco." I said taking out a hand that he shook.
"Hello Draco, i'm Harry." He answered. I smirked, which made him glare.
"Harry! What are you doing here?" Ron asked me, as he cracked his knuckles.
"Now, now. Draco's my friend now." Explained Harry. I heard a scream somewhere, and i ran towards it. I could hear Ron and Harry at my heals. I stopped in front of a girl's lavatory. "This is moaning Myrtle's toilet. It might be her." Ron said, which i ignored and ran in to see Hermione on the floor with Pansy Parkinson beside her with a knife in her hand.
"Pansy! What the h*ll are you doing?" I asked looking coldly at Pansy then my gaze softened as i saw Hermione on the floor. She's so beautiful. "Harry, Ron, go to McGonagall. Pansy, get OUT!" I yelled.
"But-" Pansy tried to fight back, but i held a hand to silence her.
"OUT!" I yelled again. When she finally left, i carried Hermione's lifeless body out of the bathroom, and ran up the stairs to the hospital wing. The front of my robes were soaking in Hermione's blood, and i noticed that it was the same as mine. I then realised, that she didn't have dirty blood. Her blood was the same as mine, same as father and mother's, as well. I then noticed that i was in love with this girl. I ran the final flight of stairs, and ran into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey came from her office and told me to set Hermione down on the nearby bed. I set her down and i started to cry silently. I didn't want her to die. Not now. I felt a supportive hand set on my shoulder and saw non other than Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. "Draco, she won't die. Don't worry. It's not a severe cut." Ron reassured me. I nodded. I saw the cut that Parkinson made on her. It was on her left arm. It still bled profusely. Harry and Ron had detention, so they left me with Hermione. I stared down at her limp body and i couldn't help feeling terrible for her.

That night, i still stayed in the hospital wing. Harry and Ron came up and gave me some treacle tart. "Do you love her?" Ron asked suddenly through his pumpkin pastry. I nodded. Ron smiled understandingly. "Draco, we have potions homework by the way. It's to find out the potion that comes out of Asphodel and Wormwood." Harry explained.
"Draught of despair." Me and Ron said in unison. Harry laughed.
"How did you know that?" He asked a little shocked.
"Snape explained all this in class when we were 1st years, Harry. Blimey, this kid never learns." Ron said. Harry punched his shoulder. After about an hour of talking, Hermione came round. "I'll come later, mi." Said both Ron and Harry as they left. Hermione nodded. "What are you doing here?" She asked me. I smiled, which she returned.
"I wouldn't want you to feel lonely now, would i?" I answered jokingly. She nodded. "Mi, i love you." I added. Merlin, i hope she doesn't think i'm crazy. Hermione looked up at me, smiled, and said, "I love you too, Dray." I sighed in relief.
"Madam Pomfrey, when can she come out of the hospital wing?" I asked looking seriously at madam Pomfrey.
"She'll be able to leave tomorrow morning, Malfoy." Explained madam Pomfrey, as she left to her office. I smiled happily. Tomorrow was a Hogsmeade weekend. "Why are you smiling?" She asked suspiciously.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come and go with me to Hogsmeade." I said looking into her beautiful hazel eyes.
"Well, Dray. Since i love you, i can't say no." She answered smirking. I smirked back. Then, she sat up, and hugged me. It felt like my veins were on fire, when she touched me. A fire that was warm, not hot.

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