A secret to remember

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After Zabini's initial outburst, he never confronted me on Parkinson's expulsion. She deserved it. Wether on not they are keeping something a secret, i don't care. I take care of myself. I was shaken awake by Zabini this morning. Dang it. I was having a good dream for my wedding. I know. Guys don't have dream weddings, but i want the proposal and everything perfect. "DRACO! WAKE UP! CLASSES START IN LESS THAN AN HOUR!" Zabini yells as he shakes me. He groans in frustration. "I'm up! I'm up!" I retort, which makes him move from my bed to wear his robes. I pull my green hangings and head into the shower. Slytherins were never known to be morning people.

After i get out of the shower, i put on my uniform. Zabini was waiting in the door sill waiting for me. "You know, a thank you would've sufficed." Zabini said, smirking. I glared at him. He just had to wake me up. I don't even want to go for classes. "Thanks, Blaise." I said barely audible. I only said this because Hermione and i were having potions together. Double potions is the first 2 periods. "No problem." Zabini answered. As we headed for the Great Hall, i sat at the far end of the table,since Goyle was in the middle of the table. Zabini sat next to me. "I'm gonna go see Hermione." I said standing up, but Zabini tugged on my sleeve. I sat back down. "I have something to tell you." Zabini whispered. I nodded for him to continue. "My sister, if you know her, Belle. She's missing. She's 12 this year." Zabini added still in a whisper. I couldn't imagine my sister being lost. Then again, i'm an only child. "What can i help you with?" I asked still looking him straight in the eye. "I need you to help me find her. I can't get married without her there. I promised that she'd be there at my wedding. I won't break a promise to my little sister." Zabini begged. I sighed, then nodded. Zabini beamed at me. "I'll do it, only if you don't slap me again." I answered, jokingly of course. Zabini laughed. I stood up, and walked over to the Gryffindor table. I got a few stares, but i didn't care. "Guess who?" I asked closing Hermione's eyes withh my hands. "Morning, Draco." Ginny said. Dang it! I wanted to surprise Hermione, but Ginny had to greet me.
"Morning, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron." I answered as i sat down next to Hermione. She smiled at me as she spoon fed me some eggs. "Thanks." I mumbled as i swallowed the eggs. I already ate, but she insisted.
"Anytime, Dray." Hermione answered giving me a small kiss on the cheek. "Wanna go to the Room of Requirement with us tonight?" She added. By 'us', i knew she meant Harry, Ron, Astoria, and Ginny. Or for ease, the golden trio with their significant other. "Sure!" I exclaimed. I swear to Merlin i saw Harry rolling his eyes as i got spoon fed even more eggs.
"Mi! I've eaten already!" I exclaimed as she loaded her spoon for another bite. Hermione giggled.
"I know! I saw you from the other side of the room." Hermione answered casually.

Later that evening, i was standing in front of the Room of Requirement with Hermione. I need a place to hang out with my friends. I thought dumbly. I knew it wouldn't work. Suddenly, a wooden door appears. Me and Hermione head into the door to find bean bags beside a flaming fire. "Harry! Ronald! Are you here?" Hermione asked. I looked around and found Harry, Ginny, Astoria, and Ron sitting beside the fire. I took Hermione's hand and leads her to the fire place. "Helloooo!" I exclaim as i fall onto a bean bag. Hermione falls on top of me with a thud. Merlin, she was so beautiful. She giggled. "Harry, could you teach me how to cast a Patronus?" I asked. I was never good at defensive magic. Harry nodded and gestured for me to stand up. "You'll need your wand." Harry instructed. I nodded and took out my wand. "Think of a happy memory, and let it fill you up, Draco." Harry added. I nodded again and let the memory of Hermione and me together. I smiled, and yelled, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Suddenly, from the tip of my wand, shot out a jack russel terrier. "Wow, amazing, Dray! You know, my Patronus is actually an otter. Your Patronus chases mine, look! Expecto patronum!" Hermione said as a silvery otter shot out of her wand. She was right. My jack russel terrier was chasing the otter around the place. Harry smiled at my acomplishment. Ginny and Astoria were both clapping. "Well done, Draco. I must say, the DA would have gotten a rather talented student. But then again, you weren't exactly friends with us at the time." Harry explained with a sigh. I could feel my cheeks getting rosier. I just simply nodded.
"Oy! I wasn't exactly friends with Michael Corner. I hated that bloke." Ron said angrily as he got punched on the shoulder roughly by Ginny. I laughed. "You only hate him because he was my boyfriend at the time. And besides, i have my Chosen One." Ginny stood up and gave Harry a quick peck on the cheek. Ron mumbled something that sounded like 'foul git', which cause him to get a glare from his sister. Bad idea, Ron, i thought. "Ronald, if you're going to talk like this to your own sister, i don't know what i'll do with you." Astoria said jokingly. Ron turned a deep shade of scarlet. We all bursted out laughing. "Sorry, love." Ron muttered to Astoria. Astoria kissed Ron happily. "Guys, it's past curfew." Ron added with a soft chuckle. Shoot. I promised Blaise i was gonna help him find Belle. I bade them all goodbye and sprinted to the Slytherin common room. I ran past the common room into the boy's dormitory, and i noticed Blaise pacing and... Wait what?! Was he crying?! "Blaise, what's wrong?" I asked pushing him gently onto his bed. He cried into my shoulder, which i've never seen him do. "B-belle. S-she's d-dead." Blaise said as he burst into more tears. I rubbed his back soothingly. "How did it happen?" I asked quietly afraid that he might start crying again. Blaise looked at me with a sniff, and replied, "she was found in a shed near Hogsmeade, and they knew she was hit with a killing curse. The Ministry claim that she was murdered by Voldemort, before his own death. My parents say that it was because they were not helpful enough to him, and so he punished us by killing B-belle." Blaise explained before he bursted into even more tears. It must've been very hard for him. "I'm so sorry, Blaise." I said making sure to sound as sorry as possible.
"I'm getting married to Pansy without Belle, i guess. I don't even have a best man, and now the flower girl's gone." Blaise said with a sigh. "Could you be my best man?" He added quietly. I hesitated at first only because Pansy'll be there.
"Alright." I said with open arms as Blaise came and bro-hugged me. "As long as my girlfriend and your fiancé get on good terms." I added. Blaise thought long and hard for the answer. I bet that he was thinking the same thing as me. They're gonna kill eachother. That's for sure. "Alright, mate. I'm gonna meet up with her during the next Hogsmeade vist, so you meet me and Pansy at the Three Broomsticks, and we'll talk it through." Blaise said after a full 5 minutes. I nodded. "I'm going to bed, now." I said awkwardly. He nodded understandingly.

The next morning in the Great Hall, Hermione came and sat with me. "You don't mind me sitting here, do you, Blaise?" Hermione asked sweetly. Blaise shook his head and pointed to the spot next to me. "Have you both finished the Charms work?" Asked Hermione as she shuffled into the seat next to mine.
"Which one?" Me and Blaise asked at the same time.
"Ugh. You boys don't remember the one where we have to practice the Summoning charm? I still can't believe you both can't remember homeworks. We're N.E.W.T students for Merlin's sake!" Hermione added rolling her eyes. The joys of having a know-it-all girlfriend. "I already know how to do the Summoning charm, Grang- Hermione." Blaise retorted with a groan. "Accio salt!" Blaise added as the salt shaker came to his hand. Blaise gave Hermione a Slytherin smirk.
"Fine. What about you, Dray? By the way, try something bigger than a salt shaker, Blaise." Hermione instructed. I nodded and said, "accio chicken leg!" Hermione and Blaise burst out laughing as a chicken leg caught me straight in the face. "Very funny." I snapped as i put my goblet onto my throbbing cheek.
"Sorry, Draco." Hermione and Blaise said still sniggering. I glared at them both. "Mi, i was thinking that maybe you could possibly befriend Pansy?" I added cautiously. Hermione chocked on the pumpkin juice she was drinking, and i had to pat her on the back a few times to finally simmer her down. "For what?" She chocked.
"Blaise sorta wants me to be his best man. I was hoping you could come." I said moving slightly from her. Never EVER get too close to Hermione while she was angry and holding a fork. "Fine. But i won't like it." Hermione finally agreed. Blaise practically ran the length of the Slytherin table to our side, and hugged the living daylights out of me and Hermione. Hermione patted Blaise's back awkwardly. "Umm... Could you get off us?" I asked gasping for air.
"S-sorry. I'm really happy that you agreed. Now, let's just hope and pray that Pansy's this easy to convince. I haven't talked to her since... The incident." Blaise said as his eyes filled with tears. I could tell that it was a touchy subject for him. "Blaise i'm so sorry." Hermione replied sympathetically. "I'm sure Belle wouldn't want you to mourn for her. Hey, you know, Harry's godson, Ted, was left parentless in the hands of Voldemort himself. Belle, Tonks and Remus, would all be happy to know that they have been avenged." Hermione added giving Blaise a small smile, which he returned.
"Speaking of the devil." Hermione said as Harry came to us.
"Wazzup, Chosen One?" I asked casually, which made everyone laugh.
"Nothing much, Ferret. I just came by to inform all of you, that there will be another Hogsmeade visit a week before we head home for christmas." Harry replied.
"Hardy har har. I still can't believe i got turned into a ferret." I said a little irritated.
"Draco Malfoy, making a joke. Wow. What a new discovery!" Harry exclaimed before he went back to the Gryffindor table. "I wasn't!" I yelled back to Harry. That kid has got nerves i never knew he had.
"Dray, you know he was joking." Hermione said putting two of her hands into mine.
"I know!" I said happily as Hermione stuffed my mouth with eggs. "Mi, please tell me this is the last time you'll do that? I'm a bit embarassed." I added in a 5 year old's voice. Hermione giggled.
"It might not be the last time, Draco Malfoy, but it'll be one of the last." Hermione replied.
"Fine." I huffed. "Your smile'll bring a smile to my face, as long as it's real." I added. Hermione smiled sweetly.
"Hem hem." Said someone behind me. We all jumped. It was Ginny. We all laughed.
"Ginevra! You scared us! Remember when that happened during 5th year and we all thought Umbridge was there?" Ron said, laughing. Everyone nodded but me. My face fell. I was in the Inquistorial Squad in that year. "Oh, sorry, mate. I completely forgot." Ron said quickly, seeing my fall fallen. I nodded and smiled a little. They forgot. Wow.

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