Strip Club

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Jennifer's Pov;

Several shots of vodka in and my head is spinning slightly as I exit Josh's hotel room. We had intended to have a small, low key get together between him, Liam, and I tonight. But now we've demolished an entire bottle of vodka between the three of us and we're headed out for some fun. Josh gets to choose where we go since he knows the local nightlife best of the three of us, so Liam and I blindly follow him, neither of us knowing where we're going. Josh walks ahead of me, out of the hotel, wearing his usual skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and leather jacket. My eyes drift down to his ass and stay there. I have to admit he has a nice ass, especially for a guy. I don't know if it's the alcohol or perhaps just my general loneliness since my recent breakup, but Josh is looking good tonight, real good. I used to view him as strictly just a friend, but I can sense that line is beginning to blur tonight. The street light is blinding as we stop on the side of the road to wait on our cab and I shade my eyes with my hands to block it. It arrives within seconds, having Josh already called for one just before we left our room. We all stumble on in to the backseat, halfway on top of each other, and Josh tells the driver the address to go to. I lean out the open window, allowing the wind to send my newly cut honey colored bob fly back and my side bangs into my eyes. I ignore the hair in my face, letting the cool air sober me up from all the previous drinking we did. I need to stay conscious if we're going to be out in public.

The car stops outside a flashy building and we hop out of our seats and walk up to the doors. "A strip club? Really, Josh?" I exclaim, turning to him with shock. He laughs and Liam just shakes his head in amusement. "Come on, Jen. It'll be fun. I promise."  I've never been before, but maybe Josh is right. It could be fun. He raises his eyebrows at me, waiting on my agreement to go in. "Okay, Let's go." I yank open the doors and step inside, bringing Liam and Josh along with me. The interior of the club is dark with only a few sections of the room fully lit up. There's a few neon signs on the walls that flash brightly and nearly every corner of the place is bustling with people. "Nice pick, mate!" Liam exclaims lightly smacking Josh's shoulder. He then points in the direction of an open section of seats right in front of a circle stage and waggles his eyebrows. That's all it takes before the two men take off running for the seats, dragging me along with them. There's only two seats available. Liam takes the left and Josh takes the right so I'm left alone standing. I kick Josh in the shin for taking the last seat and he winces in pain, causing Liam to laugh his serial killer laugh. "Here, babe." Liam extends a hand to me. "I'll share my seat with you. Come sit on my lap." My irritated expression turns to one of amusement as I step over Josh's feet and Liam slides me gracefully into his lap. "Oh, no. She's sitting with me." Josh grabs onto my arm possessively and pulls me into his seat instead. I giggle, my head spinning from the combination of the alcohol and being jerked around by the two guys. Liam raises his eyebrows at Josh's sudden outburst of jealously and Josh is quick to defend himself. "What? I'm the one who pissed her off and took the last seat I should be the one having to get halfway smashed by this one all night." Josh says, placing his hands on my hips to adjust my position on him ever so slightly. Liam mutters something that sounds like 'whatever' but his voice is too quiet to be heard over the ruckus going on around us. "Hey, can we get a round of drinks over here!" Josh waves over one of the wait staff members to get us some drinks. The effects from our pre-outing drinks are starting to ware off so I'm thankful when a new drink is placed in my hand and I down it in one quick swoop. "Ha! You're both losers I finished my drink first!' I declare, tossing one leg over the side of my shared seat with Josh to tap Liam on the forearm with my foot. "Is that a challenge? I think we all know I can out drink both of you american lightweights." Liam teases, swatting my foot away. "I'll bet twenty bucks you can't!" Josh adds, always ready for a good competition. "Alright twenty bucks. I'll hold you to that." They shake on their bet, making it official. Next thing I know, we're four drinks deep and showing no signs of stopping. We sit back and watch as girl after girl slides down the pole working their magic. Josh and I share the bundle of ones in his pocket, handing them out with fervor when one of the girls does a trick we find particularly impressive. We keep sipping our drinks as the night goes on, getting progressively more and more rowdy with the more we drink. I'm surprised we haven't gotten kicked out yet as our group of three is being louder than most of the people in here. It seems everywhere we go we're the life of the party. At the end of the night, Josh makes good on his promise and gives Liam his crisp new twenty after losing the bet. As we're stumbling out to catch our ride I have to hang onto Josh's jacket sleeve to hold myself up. We're all three laughing about a joke Josh told on our way out, something about throwing monopoly money at the strippers because all they're showing are fake tits. I can no longer contain myself. I tilt my head down and give Josh a sloppy drunk girl kiss on the lips, only to cause more laughter between the two of us.

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