Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Been forever since i've uploaded a story huh? Got caught up with stupid college teachers who enjoy shoving tons of homework on us, so i was a bit busy for a while there xD Glad to be back though!


This story is placed after the team saves Rise and then enters another place called "The Void." If you do not want spoilers, i suggest not reading this, however if you don't care, well go right ahead! XD

I tootaallly ship Souji and Yosuke so much it hurts! They are my babies and i want them together! When i found out that the game was gonna have Yosuke as a possible mate, but then changed it do to all the damn homos out there, i was about to kill someone! LET ME SHIP MY BABIES PLES.

Enjoy you guys XD

also note that i included bits of dialog between Souji and Yosuke from the game. The parts are from when you hang out with Yosuke on rank 8 and 9 of his arcane. However i did change up the dialog just a bit of course :P

"Maann, The Void was tough, but saving Rise was probably the worst of them all!" Yosuke groaned, stretching his arms about his head as the group sat at their usual table at Junes.

"Hey! It isn't my fault you guys were too weak!" Rise said, crossing her arms."

"I don't think it was because we were weak, but because your Shadow self was able to read our attacks. Lucky Teddie stepped in." Yukiko said, brushing her fingers through her black hair. Rise just pouted and looked over at Souji, the groups leader. "What do you think Senpai? I am right aren't I?"

Souji looked thoughtful for a minute. "While your shadow self was difficult, we should have leveled up a bit more, I think."

Yosuke groaned. "Awww man, don't agree with her!" Rise clapped her hands. "Thank you Senpai!"

"I liked the club! The music was nice, and it wasn't so hot and steamy like in the bathhouse!" Teddie chirped, flapping his arms and gleaming. Kanji blushed and looked away. The group laughed and chatted for a while more before everyone said goodbye. As Souji was walking home, someone touched his shoulder, he turned around and faced his brunette friend. "Hey, Souji." Yosuke said, rubbing the back of his neck, as if nervous.

"What is it Yosuke?"

"I was wondering.. uh.. would you like to hang out tomorrow?" Yosuke said, almost sheepishly. Souji smiled "Of course! I have no plans tomorrow."

"Great!" Yosuke beamed. "See you tomorrow!" He said as he waved and ran towards the direction of his home; setting his headphones on his ears as he did so. Souji just smiled and continued home.

After helping Nanako with her homework, Souji bid her goodnight and headed to bed. After the fight in The Void, the group was happy to be able to rest since the killer was caught. Stretching his sore limbs, Souji climbed under his comfy warm covers and drifted to sleep.

Souji woke up to his phone ringing and nearly fell out of his bed to grab it. Standing up and rubbing his eyes, Souji flipped open his phone. "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Souji, it's Yosuke. Do you want to meet up at Junes?"

Souji perked up a bit at his voice and smiled. "Sure."

"Great! Let's meet up after Lunch ok? See you soon!" Yosuke said cheerfully before he hung up. Souji stretched and then went to his closet to find some clothes.

20 minutes later, Souji met up with Yosuke, who grinned at him. "Hey! Follow me." He tugged at Souji before rushing off. Souji laughed and tailed him quickly. A few minutes later both boys were bent over gasping for air as they stood in Samegawa Riverbed. Yosuke stayed quiet for a few minutes, before pulling a sticker out of his pocket and showing it to Souji.

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