Meeting him.

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The walls and floors were all a blinding white, the smell of bleach and disinfectant stung his eyes and nose like a needle. He'd been here nearly a week yet he knew he'd never get used to the horrible stench.

Husky felt as if it were all of eternity, knowing he'd be spending the next year in here til he reached the legal age of 18 which left a wearily unsettling vibe within him.

Soon enough, due to good behaviour he should be allowed access to venture the 1 acred gated in forest behind the hospital wing, he was definitely looking forward to that freedom and breath of fresh air.

Who knew the antisocial teen would be desperate for the outdoors, something he used to avoid back in his home town.

A pat on the head caused Husky to look up at the man he knew all to well whom stood in front of him. An annoyed sigh left his lips as he spoke up in a sarcastically fake British accent, "how may I be at your service dearest doctor of mine." followed by a bow, chuckling Dr. Stryker ruffled up Husky's hair, they had a surprisingly good relationship due to circumstances yet it made the whole experience less tense, "I'd like you to follow me toward my office I have a few things i'd like to discuss with you."

Husky followed like an obedient pup, he only listened to Dr. Stryker round here, non of the other doctors nor nurses could make him do a thing not even make him sit down, unless Husky wanted to of course. Once they were seated Dr. Stryker got straight to work, "so for the past week you've been taking Eszopiclone or in other words Lunesta, have you found you can sleep?" an ignorant roll of the eyes was Husky's answer, as if to say duh stryker.

"I also think we should lower the amount of Fluoxetine you're enduring to only when you feel you'll need it, such as socialising with other teens or staff in the facility. You took one today am I correct?" Dr. Stryker raised an eyebrow as he watched Husky in a forbearing manor awaiting his patients answer, "yeah." Their was a pregnant pause before Dr. Stryker continued, "Good 'cause later this afternoon another patient will be transferred from northville asylum to here seeing he's stable and ready to leave within the year. I myself have met him and done a few sessions with him, he's someone i'd find you'd get along with so that is why i've assigned you to be his roommate." The look of utter aghast was plastered on his face, this wasn't something he had expected, no, not one bit.

"Hell no!" This pissed Husky right the fuck off. He wasn't here to make friends, especially with freaks. in fact he wasn't even here by choice his parent's had thrown him in here due to the paranoia and insomnia and left him here to rot in this hell, they hadn't even the decency to visit him.

Leaning back Dr. Stryker clapped his hands together in annoyance, this would be harder than he'd previously thought, "may I remind you this gives you extra points on the behavioural chart meaning you'll be able to go outside for some fresh air." Husky looked torn, this wasn't an easy decision and with his stubborn ass it'd take a little more convincing to do than extra points.

"Jeez kid, how're you supposed to live on your own and get a job when you won't even help yourself, it's just 1 person, you'll love him too plus he's quite the looker." Husky glared as an immediate blush flushed upon his face as he told Dr. Stryker to shut it. Now Husky hadn't potentially told anyone of him being gay, besides Dr. Stryker since he seemed trustworthy enough and he himself was bisexual and had told the boy that to calm his nerves.

"Fine..i'll do it." His, what seemed to be permanent frown deepened as if the idea of being 'friends' with this person was a rotten disease and in Husky's mind you could say it was. People, friends, lovers, family, those words were pure vomit in the boy's opinion. You could say he was pretty antisocial.

The both of them stood up and like a father would do his son Dr. Stryker pet the boys head and opened the door for the boy "i'll come find you later when he arrives, i trust you'll be nice kid." The teen mumbled something incoherently as he left the room and disappeared down the plain white corridor.


Husky couldn't possibly feel more anxious then right now, he was sitting across from one of the most attractive guys he'd ever met and his doctor sat there looking between the two curiously. The only thing keeping the teen from having a panic attack was the medication he was currently on yet he still wanted to escape this situation.

Nobody had really spoken after Dr. Stryker had introduced the two however Night's piercing gaze never left the boy, glancing up and down taking in every detail from his plump pink lips and snow white almost grey bleached hair to the way he slumped in his seat and out of what Night presumed to be habit, rubbing his pointer finger against the inside of his thumb. This action seemed to comfort him too.

"Why don't you too go back to your room and play some music on Husky's iPod you two seem to enjoy the same sort of genre, the good ole stuff, Bowie, nirvana, the beatles, the smiths, Morrissey etc" Dr. Stryker tried, they both nodded and got up, Night trailing behind Husky, discretely staring at the boys fine ass that protruded perfectly through those tauntingly skinny black jeans of his.

Once they entered Husky got out his iPod and fixed them both some David Bowie, his favourite album Earthling on play. He ended up sitting on the overly large window sill that serviced some pillows for comfort as he watched the ongoing storm outside, he loved storms unlike most, they made him feel cozy and happy. A rare feeling for Husky.

On the other side of the room Night sat slumped over his sketchpad, pencils sprawled across the sheets as he began working on the outline of husky's form and then the window and sill which he kept looking back and forth between the book and the boy, that he in such a short time had become infatuated with.

Once he finished the quick and lightly drawn outline he began to start on the interior detail such as his face and hair, the way Husky's hair fell down against his face as he gazed on out into the dark abyss adding the small out of place hair's that stuck up.

Night peaked back up at the boy examining every detail of him. This was probably Night's new favourite hobby, Husky was, in Night's eyes utterly perfect and drawing him in attempt to fulfil his features so perfectly would be a challenge but Night always enjoyed a challenge.

The visual is Dr. Jakobai Stryker portrayed by Shemar Moore.
Enjoy the first chapter!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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